Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

Language in use: How to know all the latest celebrity gossip You are going to read an article about keeping up to date with celebrity gossip. Some words are missing from the text. Use the words in brackets to complete each gap (1–16) in the text. Write your answers in the spaces provided at the end of the text. The first one (0) has been done for you. Celebrity gossip isn’t just about what celebrities are up to and who’s dating whom. It’s also about music, fashion, sports and trends. Your favourite band released a new album… (0 expect ) ? Drew Barrymore is wearing VeraWang? TigerWoods did what? Being up to date on the latest celebrity gossip can make you the life of the party. Don’t let yourself put at a … (Q1 advantage ) ! But isn’t it … (Q2 realistic ) to keep up with all the gossip? No! This guide will tell you how to save money and time and become an expert at anything celebrity-related. Invest in some magazines. There are heaps of magazines in which you can read all the latest gossip about what’s going on in the celebrity world. Don’t just read such magazines every couple of days; read them every day. Do you find yourself near a newsstand? Take your time to look at the covers and maybe flick through the pages to stumble upon even the most … (Q3 significant ) story. You will soon find the attraction of celebrity news … (Q4 resistible ) . Yet, if you are … (Q5 willing ) to spend money on gossip, there are a number of free alternatives! Watch entertainment shows on TV. It’s … (Q6 lead ) to say that the days of the television are over. You can get fairly new gossip on your television every day. There’s a lot that you can choose from, and it can be pretty convenient if you just want to sit back and relax, watching gossip … (Q7 stop ) . … (Q8 like ) with tabloids, you don’t have to pay for the whole thing when you just want one story. You can tune in to the parts you want to hear and switch the channel when you feel like it. Start reading celebrity gossip sites. The good thing about gossip sites is that they are constantly updated. You can read articles that were just released and see candid celebrity pictures from an hour ago. In contrast to magazines and TV, though, the web is mostly … (Q9 censored ) – so you might also find one or the other … (Q10 tasteful ) story or … (Q11 appropriate ) content. If it’s too … (Q12 convenient ) for you to visit the websites regularly you can add an RSS feed, sign up for newsletters or get alerts. That way, you’ll know when something big happens right away. Meet the stars. Are you afraid that you are being … (Q13 informed ) by the media? That there’s dirt that you’ll never read about?When you actually encounter a star, you get to have a close-up of their fame and personality for a few moments. Don’t be … (Q14 patient ) – you will meet your favourite star eventually. Many stars actually like being talked to and are … (Q15 happy ) if they are not recognised. Update your friends with “real-life” gossip that’s exclusive only to you but don’t forget to ask the celebrity for permission to post or publish photos to avoid doing something … (Q16 legal ) . 0 unexpectedly Q1 Q9 Q2 Q10 Q3 Q11 Q4 Q12 Q5 Q13 Q6 Q14 Q7 Q15 Q8 Q16 2 ✔ 35 7 Celebrities Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv