Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

Language in use: Bollywood You are going to read a text about Bollywood. Some words are missing from the text. Use the words in brackets to complete each gap (1–12) in the text. Write your answers in the spaces provided at the end of the text. The first one (0) has been done for you. Bollywood – a … (0 combine ) of Bombay and Hollywood – is a PR term which is often mistaken for the Indian movie industry as a whole. In fact it is only one strand of Hindi cinema which … (Q1 origin ) in the Parsi theatre tradition. The Indian movie industry has developed outside the Hollywood tradition, but who would doubt the impact of a term like Bollywood. Most of the films produced in Mumbai (which is modern-day Bombay) are in Hindi, Urdu or Hindustani languages, with an increasing influence of English, as the market for Indian-made movies keeps … (Q2 grow ) . In terms of films … (Q3 release ) and tickets … (Q4 sell ) Bollywood is the biggest movie industry worldwide even though it lags far behind Hollywood … (Q5 financial ) as tickets in India and the rest of Asia are very cheap compared to ticket prices in Europe and the US. However, more and more films from India are sold to cinema companies around the world in order to provide Indian and Pakistani communities with this form of … (Q6 entertain ) . These films are also … (Q7 popularity ) with audiences in Iran, Afghanistan and the Middle East. As a consequence the movie industry has become an important export factor for India. … (Q8 origin ) the quality of Indian movies was rather poor compared with American or European films, but gradually the Indian film industry is catching up. Hindi films are usually very … (Q9 colour ) and contain music and dance scenes which are normally written … (Q10 specific ) for these movies. Experts point out that these elements were also … (Q11 type ) of American movies in the 1950s as they also featured songs and dance scenes to support the plot and to add to the atmosphere. Nowadays also TV series and soap operas are produced in Mumbai, turning the actors and actresses into celebrities with an enormous … (Q12 follow ) . 0 combination Q1 Q7 Q2 Q8 Q3 Q9 Q4 Q10 Q5 Q11 Q6 Q12 7 ✔ 33 6 India Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv