Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

Language in use: The caste system You are going to read a text about the social system in India. Some words are missing from the text. Use the words in brackets to complete each gap (1–16) in the text. Write your answers in the spaces provided at the end of the text. The first one (0) has been done for you. Society in India is divided into castes based on the ancient Hindu system of four groups according to their … (0 spirit ) and physical … (Q1 develop ) and self-control. These four groups or castes were … (Q2 close ) associated with the function individuals had in society: The highest caste, the Brahmins, were regarded as the intellectual and spiritual guides, as priests and philosophers. The second group were the Kshatriyas, the caste of warriors and … (Q3 rule ) . Then came the Vaishyas, mostly … (Q4 trade ) , and … (Q5 labour ) and craftsmen made up the lowest caste, the Shudras. Higher castes did not mix with people from lower castes, as they did not want to spoil their family … (Q6 rank ) . In order to keep up this rigid caste system people who broke the … (Q7 rule ) had to face severe … (Q8 punish ) . When Britain ruled India, they tried to … (Q9 strong ) the rights of the lower castes and to ban traditional practices that were … (Q10 accept ) for the British, but most of these attempts were … (Q11 success ) . Since the … (Q12 adopt ) of the Constitution of India in 1949 all Indian citizens share the same rights. However, in spite of the changes in the law, the most important influence on the current social system has been the … (Q13 economy ) boom of the last few years. Megacities have emerged and the traditional social system started to crumble. In … (Q14 add ) to that the opportunities provided by the thriving economy have made it possible to become successful outside the barriers of social traditions. … (Q15 Gradual ) the system is changing but many of the social … (Q16 divide ) of Indian society can still be observed around the country. 0 spiritual Q1 Q9 Q2 Q10 Q3 Q11 Q4 Q12 Q5 Q13 Q6 Q14 Q7 Q15 Q8 Q16 4 ✔ 31 6 India Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv