Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft
Phrasal verbs a) Read the story “First love” on page 52 in Prime Time 7 again and look out for phrasal verbs. b) Match the phrasal verbs in the box with the words and phrases (1–18) below. 4 be around • be up • break up • build up • call for • catch on • come out with • come up to • get up • go for • go off • go on • go out with boys/girls • happen to • meant for • take out • turn out • wait for 1. prove to be: 2. leave one’s bed in the morning: 3. leave: 4. develop: 5. come near: 6. go and ask for sb.: 7. escort sb. to a social event: 8. declare oneself: 9. intended for: 10. occur by chance: 11. spend time with boys/girls: 12. continue: 13. await: 14. end a relationship: 15. become aware: 16. go on: 17. like: 18. be in the same place as oneself: c) Now go back to page 52 in Prime Time 7 and find the phrasal verbs from the box in the story. turn out 22 Adolescence 4 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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