Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

c) Look at the words and definitions below and try to find a synonym for each of them in the forum postings. Word/Definition Synonym 1. to create, establish to constitute 2. to get, acquire 3. to preserve, keep 4. to develop, progress 5. upbringing, education 6. to affect emotionally 7. to go after, follow 8. one of a married couple 9. adult, grown-up (adj.) 10. out of the ordinary Regional identities a) Put the following words into the appropriate boxes. Which aspects of regional identity can you describe with them? adventurous • agriculture • area • artistic • atheist • belief • bilingual • capital • ceremony • cheerful • Christian faith • church • continent • currency • dialect • district • education • energetic • entertainment • ethics • factory • faith • first language • fishing • flag • glacier • healthcare • helpful • hill • Hindu faith • impatient • independence • industry • information technology • interpret • Islamic faith • Jewish faith • kingdom • loyal • mass media • mining • monarch • mosque • mother tongue • mountain • native speaker • official language • optimistic • parliament • passionate • plain • pollution • pray • product • prosperous • recession • research • service sector • sociable • spiritual • state • stereotype • summit • synagogue • translate • transport • valley • value • village • war Religion Geography People adventurous Language Traditions Economy History b) Use appropriate words from above to describe the identity of your country, area or city. What is it like? What is important to you? 2 15 3 Regional identities Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv