Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

and are thus the sort of purchase consumers think about and plan for. b) Beispielantwort Present tense, passive constructions c) 1. location data, 2. retrieve information, 3. geofencing, 4. constant surveillance, 5. sound strategy, 6. upon sudden impulse Unit 19 Ideals and reality (Key) Synonyms 1. G, 2. O, 3. J, 4. L, 5. H, 6. M, 7. P, 8. N, 9. B, 10. D, 11. F, 12. K, 13. I, 14. E, 15. C, 16. A Finding opposites active – passive; aggressive – defensive; biased – fair; formal – informal; funny, humorous – serious, sincere; matter-of-fact – ironic, sarcastic Language in use: Modern slavery 0: C, Q1: B, Q2: C, Q3: B, Q4: D, Q5: A, Q6: D, Q7: B, Q8: C, Q9: A, Q10: A, Q11: C Language in use: HIV/AIDS in Hollywood movies a) 0: F, Q1: A, Q2: C, Q3: E, Q4: J, Q5: K, Q6: N, Q7: O, Q8: L, Q9: M, Q10: G, Q11: B, Q12: D, Q13: I; Not used: losing (H), written (P) b) 1. ways of thinking, 2. to allow us, 3. medications, 4. to be limited to, 5. to plague, 6. stigma Tesla’s next move 0: humming Q1: robotic Q2: assembly Q3: Farther/Further Q4: environmentally Q5: Specifically Q6: competitive Q7: helping Q8: enduring Q9: prevailing Q10: affordable Q11: performance Q12: calculation Q13: brilliance Q14: pollution What is political correctness? 0: pattern, 00: ü , Q1: way, Q2: new, Q3: ü , Q4: useful, Q5: only, Q6: ü , Q7: ü , Q8: hardly, Q9: out, Q10: ü , Q11: ü , Q12: themselves, Q13: not, Q14: ü , Q15: away, Q16: not, Q17: ü , Q18: ü , Q19: never, Q20: ü , Q21: ü , Q22: level Paraphrasing Beispielantwort 1. According to the survey the people in Europe are aware of the consequences of climate change. 2. Many people think that politicians should do more to reduce carbon dioxide emissions quickly. 3. The number of people who think climate change is a serious problem has risen in the last two years. 4. Political leaders should not underestimate the problem because that would be even worse. Unit 20 Lifelong learning (Key) Expressing an opinion a) 1. know, 2. unlearn, 3. love, 4. preparation, 5. follow, 6. stays young, 7. graduates, 8. imitation, 9. taught b) Individuelle Schüler/innenantworten Home schooling: If a child gets bored at school, blame the system a) Individuelle Schüler/innenantworten b) 1. curious, 2. eagerness, 3. fascination, 4. frustration, 5. idling, 6. novelty, 7. repetitive, 8. stimulating c) 0: questions Q1: heading/going Q2: course Q3: coin Q4: looking Q5: decided Q6: curriculum Q7: week Q8: off Q9: after Q10: answer d) 1. F, 2. G, 3. H, 4. E, 5. B, 6. C, 7. D, 8. A Taking a gap year a) Individuelle Schüler/innenantworten b) 1. academic year, 2. finishing school, 3. encourage, 4. pick up, 5. degree course, 6. voluntary work, 7. looking for adventure, 8. see more of the world, 9. save up, 10. gap packages c) Individuelle Schüler/innenantworten Language in use: Applying for university a) 0: rate, 00: of, Q1: ü , Q2: both, Q3: ü , Q4: Although, Q5: after, Q6: ü , Q7: ü , Q8: ceremonies, Q9: book, Q10: the, Q11: ü , Q12: being, Q13: ü , Q14: will, Q15: not, Q16: neither, Q17: trip, Q18: ü , Q19: ü , Q20: complaint, Q21: ü 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 125 K Key Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des V rlags öbv