Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

Unit 17 Big money (Key) Proverbs and sayings 1. G, 2. E, 3. F, 4. A, 5. C, 6. H, 7. D, 8. B Language in use: Compulsive shopping 0: the, 00: ü , Q1: us, Q2: mall, Q3: ü , Q4: good, Q5: idea, Q6: only, Q7: fantasy, Q8: room, Q9: the, Q10: ü , Q11: ü , Q12: not, Q13: ü , Q14: yourself, Q15: out, Q16: ü Word families a) Individuelle Schüler/innenantworten b) Beispielantwort to respond: responsible, responsibility, irresponsible, irresponsibility, responder, responsive, irresponsive to add: addition, additional, additionally, additive to defend: defender, defensive, defence, defendant, defending to judge: judgement, judgemental, misjudge, misjudgement Language in use: Daniel Kahneman on income 0: Education Q1: inequality Q2: determine Q3: satisfaction Q4: difference(s) Q5: happiness Q6: inevitably Q7: unhappy Q8: experiencing Q9: disability Q10: resident Q11: distinctive/distinguishing Q12: greatly Q13: depending Q14: continued/continuous/continuing Q15: significant Language in use: Using social media for marketing 0: C, Q1: B, Q2: C, Q3: B, Q4: A, Q5: D, Q6: A, Q7: B, Q8: B, Q9: D, Q10: A, Q11: D, Q12: B Language in use: Consumerism among children a) 0: N, Q1: C, Q2: J, Q3: G, Q4: L, Q5: M, Q6: B, Q7: A, Q8: H, Q9: O, Q10: E, Q11: P, Q12: I, Q13: D; Not used: busy (F), negotiation (K) b) 1. there is no doubt, 2. to persuade, 3. aspect, 4. TV advert, 5. consumer, 6. brand, 7. strategies Unit 18 Science and technology (Key) Surveillance and the media a) Beispielantwort 1. Their job was to analyse data on suspicious activity on government servers. 2. India denies having carried out a domestic surveillance programme on electronic communication. 3. We strongly suspect that the government has collected information on the internet activities of our company. 4. Several EU states are believed to have intercepted encrypted messages on social networking websites. 5. The new law has sparked a general debate on the surveillance of citizens. 6. The US has tightened the security on transatlantic flights, which has caused several complaints about unreasonable searches. b) 1. obtained, 2. records, 3. details, 4. subscriber, 5. promotes, 6. accused, 7. addresses, 8. publish, 9. uncomfortable, 10. articulating, 11. boundaries, 12. invasion c) Individuelle Schüler/innenantworten Language in use: How big brother spies on pupils 0: A, Q1: B, Q2: A, Q3: C, Q4: B, Q5: D, Q6: D, Q7: A, Q8: A, Q9: C, Q10: C Genetic engineering a) 1. announced, 2. sperm, 3. conception, 4. couples, 5. share, 6. described, 7. latest, 8. processes, 9. undertaken, 10. infertile b) 0: of, 00: ü , Q1: been, Q2: ü , Q3: certificate, Q4: ü , Q5: time, Q6: ü , Q7: ü , Q8: inside, Q9: although, Q10: across, Q11: before, Q12: ü , Q13: not, Q14: also, Q15: out, Q16: ü , Q17: her, Q18: ü , Q19: not, Q20: a, Q21: nevertheless, Q22: moreover, Q23: shelters, Q24: ü Foods with benefits a) Beispielantwort Start in Aisle 2: Here is grape juice for your heart. In Aisle 5: Vitamin-packed water for your immune system. In aisle after aisle, wonders beckon. Foods and drinks to help your heart, lower your cholesterol, trim your tummy. Toss them into your cart and you might feel better. You might even live longer. Or not. Because this, shoppers, is the question: Are all these products really healthy, or are some of them just hyped? Over the past decade, functional food has turned into a big 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 123 K Key Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv