Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

• to issue, issuer, issue, issued, ausstellen • –, agent, agency, –, Ermittler • to perform, performer, performance, performing, vorführen • to oblige, –, obligation, obligatory, verpflichten • to recommend, –, recommendation, recommendable, empfehlen b)–c) Individuelle Schüler/innenantworten Language in use: Médecins Sans Frontières wins Nobel Peace Prize 0: C, Q1: B, Q2: D, Q3: A, Q4: B, Q5: A, Q6: D, Q7: B, Q8: D, Q9: C, Q10: C, Q11: A, Q12: D Criticism of the role of the UN in international conflicts 1. to prevent, 2. to bring to mind, 3. the original intent, 4. most of humanity, 5. ashes, 6. body, 7. partners, 8. sound, 9. to pick up, 10. was bound to fail Language in use: Oxfam – An international charity 0: ball, 00: ü , Q1: organisation, Q2: ü , Q3: else, Q4: ü , Q5: up, Q6: box, Q7: ü , Q8: ü , Q9: attack, Q10: engineering, Q11: less, Q12: up, Q13: ü , Q14: the, Q15: ü , Q16: workers, Q17: trap, Q18: ü , Q19: ü , Q20: not, Q21: more, Q22: ü , Q23: ü , Q24: outside Synonyms 1. D, 2. A, 3. G, 4. F, 5. B, 6. C, 7. E Unit 16 The individual and society (Key) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs a) Beispielantwort 1. Physiological needs: air, food, shelter from the environment, sleep, water 2. Safety needs: healthcare, safe neighbourhood, security, steady employment 3. Love needs: acceptance, affection, belonging, companionship 4. Esteem needs: accomplishment, personal worth, social recognition 5. Self-actualising needs: fulfilling one’s potential, personal growth b) 1. hierarchy, 2. motivated, 3. basic, 4. complex, 5. accomplishment, 6. affection, 7. potential, 8. shelter, 9. recognition, 10. steady Volunteering a) 1. organise the cleaning of the beaches 2. work with children to organise theatre plays 3. work with communities to resolve local clashes 4. teach basic life support skills in schools 5. be the front rider on a tandem bike so that blind people can enjoy cycling 6. help toads cross the road when they migrate for the breeding season b) Individuelle Schüler/innenantworten c) 1. giving up, 2. learning difficulties, 3. Olympic Games, 4. free time, 5. selfish, 6. life partner, 7. love lives, 8. speed-dating, 9. fitness, 10. lost weight Language in use: Personal freedom 0: J, Q1: H, Q2: I, Q3: A, Q4: L, Q5: B, Q6: F, Q7: C, Q8: E, Q9: K; Not used: emotional (D), obvious (G) The American Dream a) Beispielantwort Category 1: Verb to be blessed with sth., to pass a law, to pursue a dream, to roll up your sleeves Category 2: Adjective persistent, powerful, proud Category 3: Noun baby-boomer, civil rights, country of boundless possibilities, distance, equality of opportunity, fortune, freedom, gender equality, glory, heritage, liberty, minority group, nation, patriotism, poverty, rags-to-riches, road to success, social climbing, Stars and Stripes, success, tolerance, wealth b) Individuelle Schüler/innenantworten c) In den Originalzitaten fehlende Ausdrücke: 1. persistent, 2. proud, 3. roll up your sleeves, 4. distance, 5. road to success, 6. success Sprachlich auch richtig: 1. powerful, 2. powerful, 3. pursue a dream, 4. –, 5. country of boundless possibilities, 6. fortune/ freedom/glory/liberty/wealth Expressing yourself in the right register a) Informal register: 1. to blow sb. off, 2. to pick sb.’s brains, 3. to chow down sth., 4. goombah, 5. to cabbage sth. Formal register: 1. to disregard sb. on purpose, 2. to require to know, 3. to take nourishment, 4. confidant, 5. to take sth. without permission b) Individuelle Schüler/innenantworten 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 122 Key K Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Ve lags öbv