Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

9. decrease/decline, 10. low, 11. closely, 12. notice/ see/detect, 13. permanent, 14. surge/increase/rise c) Individuelle Schüler/innenantworten Word formation: The story of Filipino immigration to Canada a) • to achieve, achiever, achievement, achievable • to arrive, arriver, arrival, arriving • to connect, connector, connection/connective, connectable/connective • to dedicate, dedicator, dedication, dedicated • to elect, electee, election, electable • to facilitate, facilitator, facilitation, facilitative • –, –, immediacy, immediate • to immigrate, immigrant, immigration, immigrating • to integrate, –, integration, integrable • to nurse, nurse, nursing, nursing • –, –, permanency/permanence, permanent • to reside, resident, residency, residing • to settle, settler, settlement, settled • to sponsor, sponsor, sponsorship, sponsored • to strengthen, –, strengthening, strong b) 1. strengthening, 2. residency, 3. nursed, 4. arrival, 5. connectable, 6. immediate, 7. dedication, 8. election, 9. permanent, 10. achievable c) 0: immigration Q1: residents Q2: arrivals/arrivers Q3: immediate Q4: permanent Q5: achieved Q6: sponsorship/sponsoring Q7: settle Q8: nursing Q9: dedicated Q10: facilitates Q11: integrated Q12: elected Q13: strengthening Q14: connection Migrating to the United States a) 1. parts, 2. contributions, 3. enrich, 4. legacy, 5. apply, 6. loyalty, 7. rewarded, 8. privileges b) 1. to qualify, 2. permanent, continuous, 3. eligible, 4. criminal record, 5. to deny, 6. applicant, 7. to declare, 8. oath Language in use: Why immigrants are more successful than you a) 0: do, 00: ü , Q1: ü , Q2: in, Q3: also, Q4: with, Q5: ü , Q6: insurance, Q7: ü , Q8: when, Q9: ü , Q10: other, Q11: calling, Q12: experts, Q13: ü , Q14: story, Q15: the, Q16: ü , Q17: seen, Q18: ü , Q19: almost, Q20: neither, Q21: ü , Q22: so, Q23: why, Q24: what, Q25: ü , Q26: you b) Have you heard the saying that the grass is greener on the other side? For immigrants, it usually is greener. Although they may not be living in a fancy home or a rich neighbourhood when they first immigrate, those living conditions are still better than the ones they came from. This is why they rarely complain about life because there really is nothing to be sad about. In their eyes, life is truly good. They have a roof over their heads and their kids are getting a great education. The next time you see an immigrant walking by, don’t judge them because of their job, the way they talk or the clothes they wear. Be careful, as some of the richest immigrants I know still drive their beat-up car that is fifteen years old and they buy their clothes fromWal- Mart, and only when they are on sale. Immigrants are successful because of their beliefs and the way they were brought up. So, take a page out of their book and learn a few things from them because it isn’t too late for you to do so and, more importantly, to become successful. Unit 15 One world (Key) Word search 1. reconciliation, 2. thrive, 3. step in, 4. stalemate, 5. pursue, 6. unprecedented, 7. capacity, 8. death toll, 9. disarmament, 10. devastating, 11. proliferation, 12. proactive, 13. resolve problems, 14. agenda, 15. perception, 16. invigorate, 17. concerted, 18. entail, 19. transition, 20. deploy Word families a) Beispielantwort • to fail, failure, failure, failing, scheitern • to prevent, –, prevention, preventable, verhindern • to afford, –, affordability, affordable, ermöglichen • to maintain, –, maintenance, maintained, aufrechterhalten • to promote, promoter, promotion, –, fördern • –, human (being), humanity, humanitarian, Mensch • to ratify, –, ratification, ratified, ratifizieren • –, –, permanence, permanent, Dauerhaftigkeit • to interdepend, –, interdependence, interdependent, voneinander abhängen • to endorse sth., –, endorsement, endorsed, beipflichten • to deter sb., –, deterrent, deterring, jmd. abhalten • to fluctuate, –, fluctuation, fluctuating, schwanken • –, –, adequacy, adequate, Angemessenheit • to annihilate, –, annihilation, annihilated, auslöschen 2 3 4 1 2 121 K Key Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv