Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

Units 11–20 (Prime Time 8) Key Unit 11 Ireland (Key) Finding the right meaning 1. K, 2. F, 3. D, 4. L, 5. I, 6. C, 7. B, 8. J, 9. E, 10. A, 11. G, 12. H Language in use: Irish literature 0: small Q1: books/works Q2: ancient Q3: ruled Q4: differs Q5: authors/writers Q6: writer/author Q7: important Q8: tradition Rephrasing: Events in Irish history Beispielantwort 1. In the 12 th century England first attacked/invaded Ulster, the northern part of the island, before it took full control in 1177. 2. In the 17 th century the “Plantation of Ulster” was formed. English and Scottish settlers systematically colonised the northern part of the island. After the English Civil War the English forces under Oliver Cromwell occupied the whole of Ireland. 3. In 1690 the Protestant King William of Orange beat the ousted King James at the Battle of the Boyne and strengthened England’s hold of Ireland. 4. In 1800 the Parliamentary Union of Ireland and Britain was formed. 5. In 1916 an uprising was staged against British rule, but it was suppressed and the Irish had to surrender. The leaders of the “Easter Rising” were sentenced to death and shot. Plural forms a) -is g -es: analyses, bases, crises, theses -o g -es: heroes , potatoes, tomatoes, volcanoes … g -es: boxes , bushes , classes , foxes, matches -f(e) g -ves: calves, halves, knives, leaves, lives, -selves, shelves, thieves, wolves -ey g -eys: journeys, keys -oo- g -ee-: feet, geese, teeth -on g -a: criteria, phenomena -um g -a: bacteria, curricula, media -ouse g -ice: lice, mice Complete change: children, men, oxen, women No change (singular): craft, deer, fish, offspring, sheep, species No change (plural): headquarters, means, series b) Individuelle Schüler/innenantworten Language in use: The Queen and the IRA commander 0: C, Q1: B, Q2: C, Q3: A, Q4: B, Q5: D, Q6: B, Q7: B, Q8: A, Q9: B, Q10: C, Q11: D, Q12: D Language in use: Saint Patrick’s Day 0: K, Q1: J, Q2: P, Q3: H, Q4: E, Q5: M, Q6: L, Q7: O, Q8: G, Q9: N, Q10: F, Q11: C, Q12: B, Q13: I; Not used: back- packers (A), converse (D) Unit 12 Saving the planet (Key) Climate change a) 1. biofuel: fuel derived from renewable, biological sources including crops such as maize and sugar cane 2. carbon dioxide (CO 2 ): principal greenhouse gas produced by human activity, by-product of human activities such as burning fossil fuels 3. carbon footprint: amount of carbon emitted by an individual or organisation in a given period of time 4. climate change: pattern of change affecting the global or regional climate such as average temperature and rainfall 5. deforestation: permanent removal of standing forests leading to significant levels of carbon dioxide emissions 6. fossil fuels: formed in the Earth over millions of years, produce carbon dioxide when burned 7. global warming: steady rise in global average temperature largely caused by man-made greenhouse gas emissions 8. greenhouse effect: insulating effect of certain gases in the atmosphere, allows solar radiation to warm the earth 9. mitigation: action that will reduce man-made climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions or absorbing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere 10. renewable energy: energy created from sources that can be replenished in a short period of time; biomass, the movement of water, geothermal, wind, and solar 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 119 K Key Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv