Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

b) to smoke, smoke, smoker, smoking to care, care/childcare, carer, careful/careless/caring to enjoy, enjoyment/joy, –, enjoyable to medicate, medicine/medication, paramedic, medical to sense, sense/sensor, –, sensual/sensitive/sensible to socialise, society, socialite, social/antisocial to use, use/usage/usability, user, useful/useless Word search: Living with disabilities è : disabled (Z. 2, S. 5) 1 , lipreading (Z. 8, S. 2), hearing aid (Z. 9, S. 1), restriction (Z. 10, S. 1) ç : sign language (Z. 1, S. 12), therapist (Z. 4, S. 12), limitation (Z. 6, S. 12), impairment (Z. 7, S. 12) î : assistance (Z. 1, S. 3) Language in use: Dealing with people with disabilities in emergencies 0: challenging Q1: help/assist Q2: bad/harmful Q3: sure Q4: patient Q5: emergency/difficult/extreme Q6: disability Q7: impairment Q8: explain Q9: understand/trust Q10: situation Unit 3 Regional identities (Key) What constitutes an identity? a)–b) Individuelle Schüler/innenantworten c) 1. to constitute, 2. to obtain, 3. to maintain, 4. to evolve, 5. nurture, 6. to influence, 7. to pursue, 8. spouse, 9. mature, 10. uncharacteristic Regional identities a) Beispielantwort Religion: atheist, belief, Christian faith, church, ethics, faith, Hindu faith, Islamic faith, Jewish faith, mosque, pray, spiritual, synagogue Geography: area, capital, continent, district, glacier, hill, mountain, state, valley, village People: adventurous, artistic, cheerful, energetic, healthcare, helpful, impatient, loyal, optimistic, passionate, plain, prosperous, sociable, stereotype Language: bilingual, dialect, first language, interpret, mother tongue, native speaker, official language, translate Traditions: ceremony, education, entertainment Economy: agriculture, currency, factory, fishing, industry, information technology, mass media, mining, pollution, product, recession, research, service sector, transport, value History: flag, independence, kingdom, monarch, parliament, summit, war b) Individuelle Schüler/innenantworten Germanisms: 101 things to do in London 1. dinner jackets, 2. briefs, boxer shorts, underpants, 3. ending, 4. vintage cars, 5. mobile, cell phone False friends: Foras na Gaeilge 1. competition, 2. campaigns, 3. daily special, 4. channel, 5. dubbed, 6. only, 7. slogan, 8. realised, 9. complete Language in use: Guide to California’s Highway 1 0: D, Q1: E, Q2: C, Q3: H, Q4: F, Q5: J, Q6: K, Q7: A, Q8: B, Q9: I; Not used: forceful (G), streets (L) Language in use: Go Midwest, young writer a) 0: F, Q1: C, Q2: G, Q3: K, Q4: E, Q5: A, Q6: B, Q7: L, Q8: J, Q9: D; Not used: ground (H), make (I) b) 1. thriving, 2. independent, 3. terrain, 4. to mistake sb., 5. swiftly-moving, 6. pitying, 7. glare, 8. hot spot Unit 4 Adolescence (Key) Synonyms 1. tender, 2. faithful, 3. beautiful, 4. infinite, 5. perpetual, 6. affectionate, 7. authentic, 8. sincere, 9. joyful, 10. honourable, 11. positive, 12. calm, 13. inestimable, 14. self-sacrificing, 15. good-looking, 16. lively Language in use: Becoming sophisticated 0: C, Q1: D, Q2: C, Q3: B, Q4: A, Q5: B, Q6: A, Q7: D, Q8: D, Q9: C, Q10: B Teenagers behaving badly – How parents see it Individuelle Schüler/innenantworten Phrasal verbs a) Individuelle Schüler/innenantworten b) 1. turn out, 2. get up, 3. go off, 4. build up, 5. come up to, 6. call for, 7. take out, 8. come out with, 9. meant for, 10. happen to, 11. go out with boys/ 9 1 Der erste Buchstabe des gesuchten Wortes befindet sich in Zeile 2, Spalte 5. Dieses System wird auf alle Wörter angewandt, egal in welche Richtung sie zu lesen sind. 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 114 Key K Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv