Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

Editing: As lovely as a tree? Poem in UK cleanses air pollution You are going to read a text about an art and environmental project in the UK. In most lines of the text there is a word that should not be there. Write that word in the space provided after each line. Some lines are correct. Indicate these lines with a tick ( ü ). There are two examples at the beginning. Those towering billboards and advertisements may soon be like more than like 0 just plain eye-catchers against a backdrop of blue skies and skyscrapers. In a ü 00 matter of years, they could neither be the solution for the escalating problem Q1 of air pollution, and it all begins with a poem in solely dedicated to one of Q2 human’s sources of life insurance. The poem, fittingly titled “In Praise of Air”, Q3 was written by an award-winning British poet, playwright and novelist Simon Q4 Armitage. What sets it apart from all the usual printed-out literary work is Q5 that it literally purifies the air. How does it work? The other material used to Q6 carry the 122-word poem is made from a unique formula one that was Q7 developed at the University of Sheffield. It is coated with chemical substances Q8 recognised of being able to cut air pollution significantly by using sunlight and Q9 oxygen masks, hence cleansing the air. The 10-metre by 20-metre piece of Q10 material on which the poem was not printed can eliminate the same Q11 amount of the toxic nitrogen oxide produced by roughly 20 cars in Britain Q12 across each day. The technology is inexpensive, adding about only less Q13 than £100 in each ad that would be using it. It could be included in every Q14 flag store, banner or advertisement alongside busy roads and thereby Q15 help Britain by meet its air quality target in one easy step. “This is a fun Q16 collaboration between science and the arts to highlight about the very serious Q17 issue of poor air quality in our towns and cities,” said professor Tony Ryan, Q18 whether the University’s Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Science. “The science behind Q19 this is behind an additive which delivers a real environmental benefit that Q20 could actually help cut disease and save lives.” Q21 (Cez Verzosa, Tech Times , 21 May 2014; adapted and abridged) 9 111 S Sample Matura tasks Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum ige des de Verlags öbv