Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

Word formation: Alcoholics Anonymous You are going to read a text about alcoholism. Some words are missing from the text. Use the words in brackets to complete each gap (1–12) in the text. Write your answers in the spaces provided at the end of the text. The first one (0) has been done for you. Alcoholics anonymous is an … (0 organise ) whose members try to help each other to battle alcoholism by sharing their experiences and their hopes to recover from what is regarded as an … (Q1 ill ) . If you want to join them you have to be willing to stop drinking alcohol. There are no … (Q2 enter ) fees or other membership … (Q3 regulate ) . Moreover, AA is not affiliated with any religious or … (Q4 politics ) group or other institution. Its sole intention is to provide support, but it does not engage in controversies. Its main objective is for its members to stay sober and to help others to do the same. In many cases they have to deal with people who drown their daily … (Q5 frustrate ) in alcohol. Or they drink simply because they cannot stand the … (Q6 press ) at home or in the work place. For many, however, the most difficult step is to admit that they have a drinking problem. Very often people … (Q7 suffer ) from alcohol abuse hide their problems from themselves as well as from others. At the same time, they feel bad about what they are doing and this leads to further alcohol … (Q8 abusive ) . But how can you find out if you are in danger of becoming … (Q9 addict ) to alcohol? You can ask yourself if you think about drinking before going out or before going home in the evening. Or do you feel … (Q10 easy ) when the topic is raised in a conversation? Have you ever had blackouts after a night at a party? These may be the first … (Q11 indicate ) that you should have a … (Q12 close ) look at your lifestyle and maybe look for help. 0 organisation Q1 Q7 Q2 Q8 Q3 Q9 Q4 Q10 Q5 Q11 Q6 Q12 5 ✔ 107 S Sample Matura tasks Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv