Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

Open gap fill: Paper cups You are going to read a text about paper cups and their history. Some words are missing from the text. Fill in the word which best fits each gap (1–8). Use only one word in each gap. Write your answers in the spaces provided at the end of the text. The first one (0) has been done for you. When we think of paper cups we get the impression that they are fairly … (0) . They seem to have been introduced with American … (Q1) chains. However, paper cups were already used in China as early as the 2 nd century BC. The modern paper cup became … (Q2) at the beginning of the 20 th century because of health … (Q3) . Paper cups were mainly used instead of glasses in public places, e.g. in schools or on trains, to give people the chance to drink water from a tap. Paper cups are made of special paper, which needs to be waterproof and stiff to make the cups easy to handle. Clay was first … (Q4) to make cups waterproof, but soon it was … (Q5) by wax and nowadays paper cups are coated with a thin layer of polyethylene. As paper cups are usually … (Q6) for single use only, they contribute considerably to household waste. And if they … (Q7) up on landfill sites, they do not degrade quickly. The latest development is cups coated with biodegradable … (Q8) which makes them easier to compost. 0 new Q1 Q5 Q2 Q6 Q3 Q7 Q4 Q8 Editing: Gennaro Contaldo – Jamie Oliver’s mentor You are going to read a text about the famous master chef Gennaro Contaldo. In most lines of the text there is a word that should not be there. Write that word in the space provided after each line. Some lines are correct. Indicate these lines with a tick ( ü ). There are two examples at the beginning. Being a master chef these days is not just preparing fancy dress dishes for dress 0 others and running an expensive restaurant. It is more like being a media ü 00 star with all the highs and lows that come along with the limelight. But getting Q1 to the top is not as easy as it seems. Gennaro Contaldo was born in Italy where Q2 he grew up in a small village under on the Amalfi Coast. It was this rural Q3 upbringing that helped him develop a taste for the natural, unspoilt Q4 ingredients and simple dishes. His interest in food and cooking was often Q5 fostered in this environment, so much so that at the age of eight he started Q6 working in his local restaurants laying the basis for his further career. Q7 Later in London, he worked for famous restaurants, among them Carluccio’s in Q8 the Convent Garden, before he opened his own and became famous. One of Q9 the many people he worked with was a young Jamie Oliver, whose mentor he Q10 became. Together they were started various projects, among them “Fifteen”, Q11 Jamie Oliver’s restaurant which offers a career of path for young unemployed Q12 people to give them the only chance of a better future, which became a true Q13 success story. Q14 3 ✔ 4 106 Sample Matura tasks S Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv