Prime Time 7/8, Language in Use, Arbeitsheft

Language in use: Applying for university a) You are going to read an extract from an application letter to a university. In most lines of the text there is a word that should not be there. Write that word in the space provided after each line. Some lines are correct. Indicate these lines with a tick ( ü ). There are two examples at the beginning. I am writing to express my interest rate in studying at the University of rate 0 South Carolina. I am currently completing my last of semester in Chinook of 00 High School, and I will be graduating in two weeks. I have always found Q1 the field of education to be fascinating and both rewarding. Thus, a Q2 bachelor’s degree in education has been my dream. I have spent my Q3 high school years in Ohio. Although I feel that I have acquired a solid Q4 intellectual foundation to continue pursuing after my under-graduate Q5 studies at the University of South Carolina as proved by the enclosed Q6 SAT score and my GPA. I have also received several honours and Q7 awards ceremonies for my academic achievement during the middle Q8 and high school years book. In addition, I have acquired transferable Q9 skills such as the ability to identify and solve the problems, excellent Q10 verbal and written communication skills, and an appreciation for Q11 attention to detail that will continue helping me do well being and Q12 succeed in my future professional life. More importantly, I am highly Q13 motivated. I will understand that qualities such as patience, diligence, Q14 sensitivity, enthusiasm and commitment are not needed in order to work Q15 with children in the school and extra-curricular setting and neither I Q16 believe I would prove a valuable asset to the educational field trip. As Q17 required by the school, I am enclosing the filled-in application form Q18 to pursue my bachelor’s degree in education from your esteemed school. Q19 In addition, my resume and three complaint letters of recommendation Q20 are attached here. Q21 b) Complete the sentences below with suitable words. Make sure you use the correct forms. 4 to graduate academic achievement application form to be highly motivated to express one’s interest in sth. solid intellectual foundation transferable skills 1. I am writing to express my interest in studying at the University of South Carolina. 2. I am currently completing my last semester in Chinook High School, and I in two weeks. 3. I feel that I have acquired a to continue pursuing my undergraduate studies at the University of South Carolina as proved by the enclosed SAT score and my GPA. 4. I have also received several honours and awards for my during the middle and high school years. 5. I have acquired such as the ability to identify and solve problems, excellent verbal and written communication skills, and an appreciation for attention to detail. 6. I am and am a student with good academic, athletic and interpersonal skills. 7. As required by the school, I am enclosing the filled-in to pursue my bachelor’s degree in education from your esteemed school. 103 20 Lifelong learning Nur r zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv