Englisch BHS, Maturatraining mit Audio-CD

80 Tracklist and acknowledgements Tracklist Track Task Task type Duration 01 Class pass Multiple choice 11:14 02 The supermarket weatherman Multiple choice 09:42 03 Chicken farmer Multiple choice 10:33 04 Footballer Multiple choice 10:53 05 Password security Multiple matching 11:24 06 Taskers Multiple matching 10:02 07 The Ebola e-tablet Multiple matching 10:45 08 Tiger moms Multiple matching 10:34 09 Youth employability Four-word answers 11:13 10 Rewilding Four-word answers 11:38 11 The drinkable book Four-word sentence completion 11:11 12 The Afghanistan marathon Four-word sentence completion 10:48 All listening tasks are in accordance with SRDP standards. Texts 10 adapted and abridged from Emma Duncan, “Don’t be afraid of the pop-up economy”, The Times , http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/opinion/ columnists/article4520750.ece; 12 adapted and abridged from Corinna Hardgrave, “Ramsays kitchen angel”, The Sunday Time s, http://www. thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/news/ireland/article1638085.ece#next ; 14 abridged from “An awakening giant”, The Economist , February 2014, http:// www.economist.com/news/middle-east-and-africa/21595949-if-africas-economies-are-take-africans-will-have-start-making-lot ; 16 adapted and abridged from David Smith, “Small spelunkers required’: the ad that led to the discovery of Homo naledi”, The Guardian , September 2015, http:// www.theguardian.com/science/2015/sep/10/homo-naledi-small-spelunkers-required-how-an-advert-led-to-the-discovery-of-homo-naledi , http:// www.anu.edu.au/study/choose-anu/elen-feuerriegel; 18 adapted from “Will Montezuma’s new website lead it to export victory?”, The Sunday Times , 6 July 2015, http://www.readybusinessbritain.co.uk/will-montezumas-new-website-lead-it-to-export-victory/ , https://www.montezumas.co. uk/chocolate-gifts/Our-Story.html; 20 Leonid Bershidsky, “No Tipping Means More Great Restaurants”, Bloomberg View , 15 Oct. 2015, http://www. bloombergview.com/articles/2015-10-15/u-s-restaurant-tipping-doesn-t-mean-better-quality-restaurants; 22 “The new alternative to aerosols”, Raconteur , 30 Sept. 2015, http://raconteur.net/business/the-new-alternative-to-aerosols; 24 Josie Ensor, “Roadtesting Google’s new driverless car”, The Telegraph , 1 Feb. 2015, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/motoring/11382073/Roadtesting-Googles-new-driverless-car.html ; 26 adapted from Virginia Matthews, “Women on the front line”, The Times , 3 Oct. 2015; 28 adapted from “The rise of the sharing economy”, The Economist , 9 March 2015, http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21573104-internet-everything-hire-rise-sharing-economy ; 30 adapted from James Hurley, “It takes flexibility to get a start-up on a roll”, The Times , 22 Sept. 2015, http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/business/workinglife/article4563677.ece ; 32 adapted from David Brown, “Unleashed: Scooby Doo for grown-ups”, The Times , 3 Aug. 2015, http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/arts/books/fiction/ article4515576.ece; Alison Flood, “Murder most cosy: why mystery novels involving quilts and cats are big business”, The Guardian , 1 Aug. 2015, http://www.theguardian.com/books/shortcuts/2015/aug/03/cosy-mysteries-murder-blood ; 34 abridged from http://www.theatlantic.com/ magazine/archive/2011/07/india-invents-a-city/308549/#article-comments; 36 http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/arts/books/nonfiction/article4518103. ece.com ; 38 adapted from Will Knight, “Inside Amazon’s warehouse, human-robot symbiosis”, MIT Technology Review , 7 July 2015, http://www. technologyreview.com/news/538601/inside-amazons-warehouse-human-robot-symbiosis/; Andrew Ellson, “Amazon delivers new robot army to do its donkey work”, The Times , 15 Oct. 2015, http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/technology/article4586214.ece ; 40 abridged from Dave McGinn, “Learning the lost art of cursive writing”, The Globe and Mail , 30 Sept. 2015, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/learning-the-lost-art-of-cursive-writing/ article26600999/; 63 adapted and abridged from “The complicated web of teen lives – 2015 bullying report”, http://nobullying.com/the- complicated-web-of-teen-lives-2015-bullying-report/#_Toc412550274 Acknowledgements Pictures 11.1 JackF (Fotolia); 11.2 monkeybusinessimages (Thinkstock); 12 Highwaystarz-Photography (Thinkstock); 13 annavaczi (Thinkstock); 14 beugdesign (Fotolia); 15 Guenter Guni (Thinkstock); 17 Design Pics (Thinkstock); 18 JJPan (Thinkstock); 19 SaulHerrera (iStockphoto.com); 21 IPGGutenbergUKLtd (Thinkstock); 22 Airopack® Technology Group; 23 (Colourbox.com); 24 Tony Avelar (AP /picturedesk.com) ; 25 chombosan (Fotolia); 27 Ramona Heim (Fotolia); 29 beermedia (Fotolia); 30 fotomek (Fotolia); 31 shapecharge (iStockphoto.com); 32 Russell Illig (Thinkstock); 33 mediaphotos (iStockphoto.com); 35 Ivary (Thinkstock); 37 fuzzbones (Fotolia); 39 Baloncici (Thinkstock); 41 koosen (Fotolia); 42 Monkey Business Images Ltd. 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