Englisch BHS, Maturatraining mit Audio-CD

78 Tapescript The drinkable book (CD 11) Announcer: You are going to listen to a recording about a water puri…cation system. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, complete the sentences (1–8) using a maximum of 4 words. Write your answers in the spaces provided. „e…rst one (0) has been done for you. A‡er the second listening, you will have 45 seconds to check your answers. (45 sec pause, acoustic signal) Presenter: Here in the West we take clean drinking water for granted. But according to the World Health Organisation, around 3.4 million people die from water-related illnesses every year. To put it in perspective, that’s roughly equivalent to the entire population of Los Angeles. In many places, accessing clean water o‡en means waiting in line for a tanker to arrive, or boiling it – which uses a lot of fuel – or else running it through a ceramic…lter, which is expensive. But the unfortunate truth is, that more o‡en than not, people don’t clean it at all. Hence the statistics. However, a new project from an organisation called WaterisLife is looking to simplify the puri…cation process with a clever solution - „e Drinkable Book. It looks and sounds like something you’d keep on your co˜ee table, but it’s actually a full-on water puri…cation system. „e book contains instructions and tips for safe water consumption, translated into a number of local languages. But the remarkable thing about the book is that each page is actually a…lter that can clean up to 100 liters of water (that’s around a 30-day supply). „is means one book can provide a single person with up to four years of clean water. Here’s our science correspondent Rosa James to tell us more about the drinkable book. Rosa, could you explain the technology behind the system? Rosa: Yes, sure. Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University have developed this special kind of paper. It’s coated in silver nanoparticles, which kill bacteria. Presenter: Isn’t that the stu˜ that’s used in some types of socks for athletes to prevent fungal infections? Rosa: Exactly – anyway, the paper gets soaked in various chemical solutions, then it’s drained and heated at 100 degrees Celsius for a few minutes then rinsed a couple more times. By now the paper is full of the silver nanoparticles and it’s turned the rusty orange color you can see here. Presenter: OK – so how does the book work? Rosa: It’s quite simple. First you tear a page out of the book and slot it into the holder that comes with it. Put it on top of a 5-gallon bucket and pour the dirty water through. It may take some time depending on how dirty the water is, but the water is ready to drink once it has passed through the paper. Presenter: Rather like a co˜ee…lter. But what about the silver nanoparticles? Don’t they leak into the drinking water? Rosa: A small amount do, but they’re well within o¯cial limits. „ey’ve done…eld tests in several parts of Africa and the paper achieved 99.9% purity. And that was water containing high amounts of bacteria from recently dumped raw sewage. Presenter: „at’s amazing. Now tell us a little more about WaterisLife? Rosa: Sure. „e organisation aims to improve the quality of drinking water in developing countries by distributing water-purifying devices, like the Drinkable Book. „e charity is asking donors for $50 to help produce more books and they hope they’ll be ready for distribution by the end of the year. Presenter: So how practical is this system? Isn’t it likely to be very expensive? Rosa: Well, the paper and chemicals needed to produce this are cheaper than most other water…ltration systems. It doesn’t require power and it’s very intuitive to use. Presenter: And what about future plans? Rosa: Up to now each page has been manufactured by hand in the lab. With the help of students they’ve produced about 2,000 sheets of…lter paper so far. But they’re hoping to move into large-scale production fairly soon. Presenter: Well, thank you very much for that, Rosa! Meanwhile, if you’d like to donate, or just to get some more information about this project, go to the website waterislife … [fade out] (15 sec pause, acoustic signal, track replays, 45 sec pause) Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv