Englisch BHS, Maturatraining mit Audio-CD

76 Tapescript Youth employability (CD 09) Announcer: You are going to listen to a recording about a youth employment scheme in the UK. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, answer the questions (1–8) using a maximum of 4 words. Write your answers in the spaces provided. „e…rst one (0) has been done for you. A‡er the second listening, you will have 45 seconds to check your answers. (45 sec pause, acoustic signal) Presenter: Finding a job can be hard enough, but if you are a so-called NEET – not in education, employment or training – you can…nd yourself in an impossible Catch-22 situation: to get a job you have to have work experience, but to get that you need a job. „is is the dispiriting situation that many young people have found themselves in. In July 2013, the country’s leading youth charity, in partnership with retailing giant Marks and Spencer, launched an employability programme called ‘Make your Mark’ for unemployed 16 to 25-year-olds not in education or training. Chelsea and Jayden were among the…rst participants. Chelsea: Before I joined the programme I was searching for work everywhere – handing out my CV, but I got no luck basically. I found out about Make your Mark through the job centre. „ey actually phoned me up and asked me would I like to do work experience with Marks and Spencer. I was like over the moon! Yes! I was so happy that I got into the programme! Jayden: I had a buddy who was showing me around the store – mentoring me, basically. In the last four weeks I’ve learnt about team building and customer service. I’ve also learnt about…tting suits – like you need an inch and a half between the jacket and the shirt sleeve. Chelsea: I’ve learnt about shoes and clothes and fashions and how to dress a mannequin, and undress one. It’s made me have a better understanding about working life – how to be punctual, how to deal with customers and help them. „e programme has made me feel more con…dent – now I feel I can apply for just about anything! Jayden: On the taster day for this course I barely said a thing. Now I’m standing in front of the next group of young people going through the course, telling them all about it, and not thinking anything of it. Presenter: Make your Mark is not just about the training and experience these young people receive, it really is about getting them a permanent job, either with Marks and Spencer, like Chelsea and Jayden, or another employer. So far 1,450 young people have started the programme, with 80% of completers going on to get work. Marks and Spencer CEO Mark Bolland was impressed by the way so many participants in the Make your Mark scheme turned out to be motivated and talented – they had just lost any belief in themselves, he said. It was also rewarding for the ‘buddies’ assigned to the participants. „ey enjoyed bringing on the youngsters, and this also boosted company morale. „e success of the Marks and Spencer scheme inspired other business leaders to join Mr Bolland in tackling youth unemployment. A collaboration of 13 UK employers set up the Movement to Work Programme, committed to giving NEETs a structured, high quality vocational training to enable them to …nd work. Employers in the scheme o˜er 4 to 6 week placements that include employability skills and vocational training. „ey are encouraged to follow this up with apprenticeships or full-time work a‡erwards. Mr Bolland reassures employers who are worried that they will be getting workshy NEETs. ‘You get such loyalty,’ he says, ’„ey’ll not let you down.’ Movement to Work is expanding rapidly with blue- chip employers encouraging their suppliers to also join the scheme. More than 200 companies have since joined Movement to Work and the government has promised that the civil service will o˜er 6,000 placements next year. „e number of NEETs aged 16 to 24 has fallen from more than one million two years ago to seven hundred and eighty eight thousand as the economy grows stronger. But getting onto that…rst rung of the ladder remains very hard for many young people. (15 sec pause, acoustic signal, track replays, 45 sec pause) Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv