Englisch BHS, Maturatraining mit Audio-CD

71 Tapescript Footballer (CD 04) Announcer: You are going to listen to a recording about a former footballer. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1–8. Put a cross in the correct box. „e…rst one (0) has been done for you. A‡er the second listening, you will have 45 seconds to check your answers. (45 sec pause, acoustic signal) Presenter: January 23 rd , 2015 was a big day for fans of second division football team Cambridge United. „at was the day they were due to play at home against Manchester United, 76 places above them in the Premier League. But for one Cambridge resident, Giuliano Maiorana, son of an Italian-born upholsterer it was a very special reminder of what might have been. As a kid Maiorana played for the Cambridge United Junior team, but at the age of 14 they let him go, thinking he was too small to have a future in the game. He then started playing for Histon Town, a team in the local Jewson League, 4 or 5 divisions below Cambridge United. It was here that the fairy tale started. Our football correspondent Jim Laker takes up the story. Jim Laker: Maiorana had been playing for half a season with Histon’s…rst team when he was told one Wednesday that a scout from Manchester United had been watching him. He wasn’t expecting to hear from him for several weeks, so when on the following Saturday he was told to go up to Manchester for a trial, he thought it was a joke. On the Monday he set o˜ and got stuck in tra¯c on the motorway. He arrived late and was told they’d been waiting for him to start training. Anyway he did OK and the next night he played in a match and scored a penalty. He was taken o˜ at half time and o˜ered a four-year contract at £200 a week. It was a rollercoaster. Maiorana was training with the …rst team – players who were household names in the 1980s. Within a couple of weeks he was playing against top sides in live televised matches. „e other young players in the team had spent years preparing for this, but to Maiorana, who was used to playing in front of 50 people at Histon, suddenly playing in front of…‡y thousand felt unreal. He did well though, and he got the full media treatment. For a while everything was going really well – people telling him how good he was, that he might one day play for Italy, comparing him to Maradona and other footballing greats. But then disaster struck. In a reserve match in 1991 Maiorana su˜ered a serious knee injury. Being only 21 he thought he had time to recover, but the injury ended his hopes of a top class career. A‡er surgery and a short spell playing in Sweden, he returned to Cambridge to his parents’ upholstery business where he’d worked at the age of 16. It was a tough time for Maiorana. His dreams were shattered. In his own words he says he found himself on the scrapheap. He cut o˜ all ties with his former teammates. He wanted to get football right out of his brain, but it was everywhere he went. On TV, in the papers, youngsters playing in the park, in his own head when he went to sleep at night. Eventually it was the arrival of social media that helped him come to terms with his past. In 2013 his son announced that he had a surprise for him – he’d made a…lm of the highlights of his father’s days with Manchester United and put it on YouTube. Maiorana realised that his son wanted to show the world his dad’s achievements. „ese days he has no regrets. A‡er all if he hadn’t moved to Manchester he would never have met his wife and produced his two great kids. So football-wise it didn’t work out, but family-wise it did. Presenter: And did Maiorana go to the match between Cambridge and Man U in January? Jim Laker: No – he said he’d rather leave it to the regular fans. He thinks they should have the chance to see the massive clubs like Man U in action. „at’s what football’s all about. And Cambridge managed holding them to a nil-nil draw! But sadly that was the end of the Cambridge dream as they were beaten 3 nil in the replay. (15 sec pause, acoustic signal, track replays, 45 sec pause) Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eige tum des Verlags öbv