Englisch BHS, Maturatraining mit Audio-CD

67 Key 23 Multiple matching: The ebola e-tablet 1 B, 2 D, 3 J, 4 K, 5 G, 6 H, 7 A, 8 C Distractors: E, I 24 Multiple matching: Tiger moms 1 F, 2 E, 3 J, 4 A, 5 I, 6 B, 7 H Distractors: C, G 25 Four-word answers: Youth employability 1 a leading youth charity 2 over the moon / thrilled / very happy 3 mentoring / to show him around 4 to get a job / obtaining permanent employment 5 self-confidence / belief in themselves 6 the buddies / the mentors / company morale 7 employability skills / vocational training 8 it has decreased 26 Four-word answers: Rewilding 1 walking, climbing, country sports / hunting, shooting, fishing 2 wolves and bears 3 cut down for fuel / replaced by sheep farms 4 stopped it from regenerating / kept trees from growing 5 Yellowstone National Park, America 6 environment has changed / no suitable habitat 7 wildcats and red squirrels / native species 8 attract tourists / generate jobs and money 27 Four-word sentence completion: The drinkable book 1 expensive / use too much fuel 2 simpler / easier 3 water filters 4 kill bacteria / prevent infection 5 in the (special) holder 6 within official limits / safe to drink / not dangerous 7 more books 8 students (in the lab) 28 Four-word sentence completion: The Afghanistan marathon 1 other sports events / races 2 trouble-makers 3 local leaders / authorities 4 confidence, education and exercise 5 high altitude / height above sea level 6 traditional greeting / salaam 7 a lift 8 a success / a good news story Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv