Englisch BHS, Maturatraining mit Audio-CD

61 Writing A report on workplace satisfaction Last summer you worked as an intern at the Vienna offices of a large British company. Your former boss wants to improve her employees’ workplace satisfaction, and since you have both inside knowledge of the company and an outside perspective, she has asked you to conduct a survey and present a report outlining what is important to her employees. Based on your findings (below) she will decide what changes to introduce. Report 10 In your report you should: · outline the impressions you gained during your internship. · examine the employees’ priorities referring to your survey. · make recommendations on how the company could improve employee satisfaction. Divide your report into sections and give them headings. Write around 250 words. What is most important to you in a job? Work/life balance 32% Opportunities to learn and grow 17% A good atmosphere 11% A good working relationship with your boss 11% Other 1% Fair pay 28% Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv