Englisch BHS, Maturatraining mit Audio-CD

6 Tips and tricks Listening Multiple choice In this task type you answer multiple choice questions about a recording. · Use the 45 seconds preparation time to read through the questions and options carefully. This will give you an idea of the topic and an outline of what you are going to hear. The questions are in the same order as the information in the recording. · Underline any key words in the question, as they may indicate the location of the answer. · Only one of the options is correct, though key words from all four options may be referred to in the recording. · Use the first listening to mark the most likely answer on your question paper and use the second recording to confirm your choice. · If you are tempted to choose an option because you hear a word from it, make sure that the whole meaning of what you hear matches the option. · If you are not sure about the answer to a question, eliminate the options you know are wrong and then make a guess. Never leave a blank space! Example: This task is about a footballer called Maiorana. Recording script: But then disaster struck – in a reserve match in 1991 Maiorana suffered a serious knee injury. Being only 21 he thought he had time to recover, but the injury ended his hopes of a top class career. After surgery and a short spell playing in Sweden, he returned to Cambridge to his parents’ upholstery business where he’d worked at the age of 16. Task: After his knee operation, Maiorana A gave up hope of doing any sport again. B knew he was too old to recover completely. C took up a completely new profession. D attempted to resume his playing career. Answer and explanation: The answer is D . He tried to play football again. A and B are wrong because he thought he was young enough to recover. C is wrong because he’d worked there before so it wasn’t a new profession. Multiple matching In this task type you have to match sentence beginnings with sentence endings. · Use the 45 seconds preparation time to read through the sentence beginnings and endings carefully. This gives you an idea of the topic and an outline of what you are going to hear. The sentence beginnings are in the same order as the information in the recording, but the sentence endings are not. · Notice which of the characters is speaking and underline any important words in the sentence beginnings and endings to help you locate the item while you are listening. · The words in the recording that give you the correct answer may not be the same as the words in the question, but the meaning is the same. · Several options may fit grammatically, but you must think about the meaning to decide which one is correct. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv