Englisch BHS, Maturatraining mit Audio-CD

56 Writing A blog post about e-waste While cleaning up your room, you find several electronic products you no longer use. You decide to take them to a collection point so they can be recycled properly. At the collection point you are shocked by the huge amount of discarded items. This makes you think about the challenge of how to cope with the mountains of toxic e-waste and where it all ends up. You decide to write a blog post on this topic. In your blog post you should: · describe the term e-waste and the dangers it creates for people and the environment. · analyse the reasons for the increasing amount of e-waste in our society. · suggest ways how individuals can help to reduce the amount of e-waste. Give your blog post a title. Write around 250 words. Blog 03 A blog comment on unemployment You have stumbled across a blog post by an unemployed engineer. As you are currently in your final year of vocational school, you are worried you might be in a similar situation soon. You decide to respond to the post, sharing your opinion and offering some advice. 04 UnemployedGrad 12 December, 4.55 pm What am I doing wrong? I graduated from a small but good engineering school this June with a mechanical engineering degree and a 3.0 GPA*. However, I’m still unemployed. I did have a job for a brief month after looking for 2 months, but got laid off after only one month due to downsizing. According to my employer he had received 100 résumés for that position. It’s December now and I’m still unemployed. I’m searching for jobs on monster and craigslist on a daily basis. At interviews I always dress appropriately. Am I doing something wrong or is it just the economy? What are your experiences? Is it equally bad where you live? * Grade point average: calculated on a 4.0 scale, 4 being the best possible score www.yourlifeaftercollege.com Write a blog comment in which you: · analyse the youth employment situation in Austria. · explain why you think a good education is key to finding a job. · offer advice on what might help during job interviews. Write around 300 words. Nur zu Prü fzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv