Englisch BHS, Maturatraining mit Audio-CD

5 Tips and tricks Answer and explanation: True – Eventually, when there was They gave up their first idea of selling the inflatable shelters made from flexible concrete, which were described earlier in the text. Four-word answers / Four-word sentence completion In this task type you have to either answer the questions in four words, or complete the given sentences in four words. · Read through the whole text before attempting to answer the questions / complete the sentences. · Think about the kind of information you are going to need. · You may not find exactly the same words in the text as in the questions or sentences, but the meaning will be the same. · Write no more than four words. Longer answers will not be accepted. · Your answers should be in note form, so articles (a, an, the) can be omitted. · Sometimes you may have to rephrase the information in the text to fit the sentence to be completed. Examples: 1 Answer question with four words This task is about Lavasa, a new city in India. Text: Perhaps the most radical thing about Lavasa is the fact that it is built and governed by a private corporation. Most Indian cities are run largely by regional states, so urban development falls to overstretched bureaucrats or state politicians … Task: What is unusual about the administration of Lavasa? Answer and explanation: governed by private corporation ‘administration’ is another word for government and the most unusual or radical thing is that it is privately run. 2 Complete sentence with four words This task is about robots in a distribution centre. Text: For many decades, industrial robots were confined to performing extremely precise and repetitive tasks and were separated from human workers. In recent years, however, thanks to better computer chips, algorithms, sensors and actuators, … Task: Until recently robots and humans worked . Answer and explanation: independently of each other The text has been reworded to fit the incomplete sentence. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv