Englisch BHS, Maturatraining mit Audio-CD

37 Reading 0 According to the reviewer of the book, we wouldn’t get enough to eat today . without refrigeration 1 The reviewer compares the owners of ice-houses to present day . 2 Manufactured ice failed to catch on in the 19 th century because people could get . 3 People decided to buy ice made by machines after there were . 4 The refrigerators designed by James Harrison and the French monk were both originally intended to be used for . 5 In the 1960s Europeans were less keen than Americans to . 6 Clarence Birdseye’s original reason for going to Labrador was to . 7 Albert Einstein is one of several famous scientists who . 8 Although refrigeration has many uses, the reviewer doubts whether it is . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – – Eigentum des Verlags öbv