Englisch BHS, Maturatraining mit Audio-CD

3 Tips and tricks Reading Multiple choice In this task type you have to answer multiple choice questions about a text by choosing the correct answer (A, B, C or D) and putting a cross ( ) in the correct box. There is a worked example. · The questions are in the same order as the information in the text · Underline the important words in the questions. Remember that you may not necessarily find exactly the same words in the text, so look for paraphrases. · Only one of the options is correct, though all four may sound plausible. · If you choose an option because the same words are in the text, make sure that the whole meaning matches that option. · You may also find it useful to underline the part of the text that gives you the answer to a question. · If you’re stuck for the answer to a question, eliminate the options you know are wrong and then make a guess. Never leave a blank space! Example: This task is about archaeologists working in an underground cave Text: The women were supposed to work in shifts of three hours but often spent twice as long. “Some days you couldn’t get us out, really, with a crowbar. It was absolutely one of the most exciting experiences of my life. I don’t really have words to describe how thrilling it is to have been involved in it.” Task: Why were the women’s shifts sometimes extended? A The next shift wasn’t ready to take over. B The work was taking longer than expected. C They had problems getting out of the cave. D They were too absorbed to notice the time. Answer and explanation: The answer is D . The work they were doing was so exciting and interesting they didn’t notice the time. A and B are not supported in the text. When the speaker says “you couldn’t get us out with a crowbar” she is speaking figuratively, so C is also incorrect. Multiple matching In this task type you have a text with gaps that need to be linked to the correct sentence parts. There are two options you should not use. There is a worked example. · The options may all be similar grammatical forms, e.g. all –ing form verbs or infinitives, or there may be a variety of grammatical forms. · An option may fit into the text grammatically, but that does not mean that it is the key. It is important to read beyond that sentence or phrase and consider the context of the whole paragraph or text to find the option that is correct both grammatically and content-wise. Example: This task is about expanding a business overseas. Text: Emma Jones, founder of Enterprise Nation, a support community for small businesses, offers the following advice for owners keen (5) . Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv