Englisch BHS, Maturatraining mit Audio-CD

17 Reading 0 What was the disadvantage of the job advertised on Facebook? A There was no remuneration. B Applicants had to be multi-skilled. C There was a size restriction. D Caving experience was necessary. 1 When Elen Feuerriegel saw the advertisement she A asked for further information. B wondered if it was genuine. C doubted that she was qualified. D felt compelled to apply. 2 Elen thinks that she and her colleagues were chosen because they were all A female. B native English speakers. C small and slim. D practising scientists. 3 Elen thinks the team spirit among her colleagues came from A their pride in being part of the project. B the similarity of their personalities. C their mutual wish to avoid publicity. D responsibility to National Geographic. 4 To enter the cave system to examine the bones the team first had to A descend into a hole in the ground. B squeeze between two sheer rock faces. C walk 200 metres to the entrance. D crawl along a well-lit passageway. 5 While the team were working underground, they sometimes A couldn’t avoid treading on the bones. B had to wriggle around each other. C lost feeling in their arms. D were too tired to carry on. 6 Why were the women’s shifts sometimes extended? A The next shift wasn’t ready to take over. B The work was taking longer than expected. C They had problems getting out of the cave. D They were too absorbed to notice the time. 7 According to Lee Berger, the bones in the cave were A from a species related to humans. B the first to be found in that area. C the biggest he had ever excavated. D the oldest in the African continent. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv