Englisch BHS, Maturatraining mit Audio-CD

15 Reading 0 Gettu would be able to sell his milk for a higher price if A he had a better means of transport. B the market were closer. C he could afford to buy a van. D the road were in better condition. 1 In the second paragraph the reader learns that Buffalo Bicycles are A attractive in appearance. B being manufactured in Ethiopia. C specifically built for local conditions. D less durable than the competition. 2 Critics claim that, for Africa to prosper, there needs to be a rise in A output of manufactured goods. B the number of service industries. C the price of commodities. D sales of agricultural products. 3 Items being exported overseas by African-owned manufacturers include A smartphone technology. B all-terrain vehicles. C military equipment. D fashion accessories. 4 African manufacturing has been strengthened by A better transport links. B increased consumer spending-power. C more powerful infrastructure. D an improved supply chain. 5 According to experts, numerous of manufacturing jobs could be transferred to Africa if A Chinese workers accept a wage freeze. B problems with African bureaucracy can be eliminated. C wages in Asian countries fall. D African productivity remains stable. 6 In order to industrialise further, experts say Africa needs to A revive the garment industry. B reduce its reliance on imported goods. C employ professional business advisors. D invest in transport and power supplies. 7 The writer predicts that within the next few years Africa will A overtake India in the manufacturing sector. B make rapid progress in a range of businesses. C continue to be reliant on service industries D be as successful as South Korea. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv