Englisch BHS, Maturatraining mit Audio-CD

11 0 According to the first paragraph, pop-up outlets nowadays are A popular with mainstream retailers. B mostly artists’ showrooms and studios. C in business for varying lengths of time. D the most recent trend in city life. 1 The writer uses the example of ‘immersive’ experiences to show how pop-ups can be A practical. B spectacular. C informal. D inventive. 2 The pop-up movement evolved mainly because of the A availability of empty retail space. B limited range of high-street facilities. C price of goods bought on the internet. D shortage of shops at reasonable rents. 3 Retailers can use pop-up outlets as a way of A investing in property. B assessing new trends. C speeding up sales. D reducing staff numbers. 4 Entrepreneurs find the most effective form of marketing is by A having a store in a prime location. B using social networking. C lengthy advertising campaigns. D personal recommendation. 5 Pop-up businesses entail a move away from A economic mobility. B customer loyalty. C guaranteed job security. D short-term employment. 6 To set up a pop-up outlet it is necessary to have A previous business experience. B entrepreneurial skills. C significant capital outlay. D permanent premises. 7 Compared with employees in big companies, those in pop-ups A have to work harder. B have better pension rights. C need to be more self-reliant. D have fewer opportunities for promotion. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv