English Unlimited HTL 2, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
3 Speaking Reading Writing Extras Explore 14 Music and you Types of music Extreme situations Unusual sports Present an activity Interview people about their preferences and habits Interview with Ruben Gonzalez Explore reading: Bevan Summer School A handout An email about sports facilities in your town/area Explore writing: Formal and informal messages Keyword: so Across cultures: Culture shock Writing: Formal and informal messages Reading: Bevan Summer School Speaking Reading Writing Extras Explore 27 Job descriptions Your job experiences Present a dream career A job interview The work of computer technicians Robbie Williams Quiz: Your work attitude Job descriptions Text messages about a job interview Explore writing: A letter of application Keyword: for Independent learning: Reading Info point: Tools Listening: A phone call Writing: A letter of application Speaking Reading Writing Extras Explore 40 Change money Buy things Grameen Bank Borrower success stories Laws in Austria Giving advice to a visitor Cash machines A new kind of banking? Filling in a form Borrower success stories Explore reading: Money tips for India Instructions for a vending machine Rules for a computer lab Explore writing: Emails giving advice Keyword: it Across cultures: Money Reading: Money tips for India Writing: Emails giving advice Speaking Reading Writing Extras Explore 56 Who does the chores? Your habits Quiz: Safety first What happened? Retelling a story The treadmill; The cycle washer Why so clumsy? Hack: a taxi driver’s blog A blog entry about the food at school Definitions A story Keyword: do Info point: Workshop safety Listening: Teenagers and stress Speaking Reading Writing Extras Explore 66 The environment Life in 2050 Recommendations Giving directions In the office The urban world in 2050 New York travel guide Explore reading: A short holiday in Cork A blog entry about climate change Directions Explore writing: Describing a place Keyword: to Across cultures: Tourism Reading: A short holiday in Cork Writing: Describing a place Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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