English Unlimited HTL 2, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

2 7 01 Unit 1: Free time Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening talk about music talk about your free time and sports talk about present activities and habits talk about experiences and past events do a survey express preferences write short formal and informal messages Look again 17 Talking about music Sports and exercise Experiences, preferences, habits Keyword: so Present simple, past simple, present progressive Music in Trinidad and Tobago Fitness centre survey 18 02 Unit 2: The world of work Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening talk about job skills and personal qualities talk about job experiences talk about dream jobs have a job interview write a letter of application Look again 29 Job skills and personal qualities Presenting yourself Keyword: for Present perfect 1 – for experience Present perfect 2 – with for and since Job experiences Interview at a job agency Explore listening: A phone call 30 03 Unit 3: Money Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening change money understand instructions on a cash machine pay for things in different places report what someone said give advice talk about rules and obligations Look again 43 Money Paying for things Giving advice; Talking about rules and obligations Keyword: it Reported speech have to , can At a bureau de change Thiago in Scotland Visiting a corn maze in the States Mountain biking in Wales 44 04 Unit 4: Safe and healthy Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening talk about present habits write a blog entry talk about accidents and injuries explain how something happened describe past events tell a story Look again 57 Household chores Habits Accidents/Injuries How something happened Linking a story Verbs in stories Keyword: do Past progressive Adverbs Charlotte about the school cafeteria Ouch! Five accidents Megan’s accident Explore listening: Teenagers and stress 58 05 Unit 5: City life Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening make guesses and predictions make recommendations get/give directions get/give information in a tourist office talk about office work describe a place Look again 69 The environment Giving directions Getting information Office duties, equipment and supplies Keyword: to will , might, may Real conditionals Finding your way around New York Sarah’s internship in a tourist office Contents Page 3rd semester Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv