English Unlimited HTL 2, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

157 Vocabulary 20 to star Who starred opposite Leonardo DiCaprio in ‘The Great Gatsby’? die Hauptrolle spielen term in office Amtszeit 21 to defeat sb. jmdn. besiegen province [ `SU¿YoQV ] hier: Bundesland to retire from sth. He retired from basketball after 16 years in the NBA. sich zurückziehen aus etw., aus etw. ausscheiden 23 to raise awareness The film raises awareness of the dangers of drugs. Bewusstsein erwecken/ schaffen environmental [ oQ@YDoUHQ`PHQW:O ] People need to be made aware of environmental issues. Umwelt-… 26 apartheid [ :`S$ WDoW ] Apartheid, Rassentrennung 28 prison [ `SUo]:Q ] He spent three years in prison. Gefängnis 30 imprisonment [ oP`SUo]:QP:QW ] Gefangenschaft 32 to suppose sth. I suppose you’re right. etw. glauben/annehmen 35 man Is man destroying the Earth? der Mensch, die Menschheit memory The pictures bring back lots of good memories. Erinnerung vivid [ `YoYoG ] lebhaft childhood Kindheit to gather [ `Jp': ] A crowd gathered round to congratulate him. sich versammeln lap Schoß 37 truly wahrlich, wirklich cot Gitterbett memorable [ `PHP:U:E:O ] unvergesslich, denkwürdig significance [ VoJ`QoIoN:QV ] This development is of great significance to the company. Bedeutung fuzzy [ `I8]L ] verschwommen to recall sth. I recall seeing him at the party. sich an etw. erinnern, etw. (Informationen) abrufen 38 word formation Wortbildung suffix Nachsilbe 39 architect [ `$ NoWHNW ] Architekt/in scholarship [ `VN¿O:6oS ] Stipendium night shift You must be at least 18 years of age to work a night shift. Nachtschicht bouncer Türsteher/in to found a company eine Firma gründen apart Please stand in two lines four metres apart. getrennt, auseinander revolutionary [ @UHY:`OX 6:Q:UL ] bahnbrechend breakthrough [ `EUHoN4UX ] They have made a breakthrough in understanding bacteria. Durchbruch brief Auftrag, Anweisung to prove [ SUX Y ] He has proved a far better politician than they had thought. sich als etw. erweisen; beweisen innovative [ `oQ:Y:WoY ] innovativ, erfinderisch open-plan office Großraumbüro to increase [ oQ`NUL V ] sth. etw. erhöhen/verstärken headquarters Our headquarters is/are in L.A. Hauptsitz, Zentrale mainland Festland affectionately [ :`IHN6:Q:WOL ] He affectionately calls her ‘Miss Perfect’. liebevoll gherkin [ `Jl NoQ ] Essiggurke to exploit [ oN`VSO2oW ] sth. How can we exploit computers in education? etw. ausnutzen, sich etw. zunutze machen sustainable [ V:`VWHoQ:E:O ] energy erneuerbare Energie facade [ I:`V$ G ] Fassade to discharge [ GoV`W6$ G- ] sth. They were fined for discharging oil into the river. etw. freisetzen/absondern administrative [ :G`PoQoVWU:WoY ] Can we cut administrative costs? Verwaltungs-… office clerk Büroangestellte/r employee [ oP`SO2oL ] Angestellte/r 40 office block Bürogebäude 41 account manager Kundenbetreuer/in advertising company Werbeagentur noise level Lärmpegel lack I can’t look at everything in detail due to lack of time. Mangel, Knappheit privacy [ `SUoY:VL ] I hope the new law will protect our privacy better. Privatsphäre to blame sb./sth. for sth. I blame them for the crisis. jmdm./etw. die Schuld an etw. geben productivity Leistungsfähigkeit, Effizienz 42 semi-detached house Doppelhaushälfte detached house Einfamilienhaus 45 composer [ N:P`S:w]: ] Komponist/in 46 economics [ @L N:`QPoNV ] Wirtschaftswissenschaften sociology [ @V:wVo`¿O:G-L ] : the study of society and social behaviour Soziologie broadcaster [ `EU2 GN$ VW: ] Moderator/in, Sprecher/in labour union [ `OHoE:U @MXQM:Q ] Gewerkschaft to run for an office She’s running for City Council. für ein Amt kandidieren Unit 10 1 gadget [ `JpG-oW ] Gerät; technische Spielerei 5 to (not) bother with sth . Why bother with politics? sich (nicht) um etw. kümmern/scheren 7 pictogram Piktogramm line chart Liniendiagramm table Tabelle bar chart Säulendiagramm 9 to conduct [ N:Q`G8NW ] sth. The experiments were conducted by scientists in Cambridge. etw. durchführen to sum sth. up Let me sum up what we’ve discussed so far. etw. zusammenfassen one in two/three/… One in four children in the US is raised by a single parent. eine/r/s von zwei/drei/… vast majority [ P:`G-¿U:WL ] The vast majority of people think that money makes you happy. überwiegende Mehrheit under review [ Uo`YMX ] The book under review is her first novel for adults. untersucht, begutachtet, geprüft to be due [ GMX ] to the fact that … auf den Umstand zurückzuführen sein, dass … Nur zu Prüfzwecken I – Eigentum des Verlags öbv