English Unlimited HTL 2, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
156 Vocabulary to postpone [ S½wVW`S½wQ ] sth. I have to postpone our meeting. etw. verschieben 27 to be free I’m free on Tuesday, let’s go then! Zeit haben; frei sein 31 to make a profit [ `SU¿IoW ] /loss Gewinn/Verlust machen 33 state She was in a state of shock after the crash. Zustand, Verfassung kettle Please put the kettle on. (Tee-)Kessel, Wasserkocher 37 news item [ `DoW½P ] Nachrichtenmeldung dubbed I prefer films with subtitles to films dubbed into German. synchronisiert lyrics [ `OoUoNV ] Liedtext 38 to summarise [ `V8P½UDo] ] sth. Please summarise the story of Romeo and Juliet. etw. zusammenfassen to interpret [ `oQWl SUoW ] sth. Can I interpret your silence as a ‘yes’? etw. interpretieren/deuten panel [ `SpQ½O ] discussion Podiumsdiskussion to rely [ Uo`ODo ] on sb./sth. The team relies on your strength. sich auf jmdn./ etw. verlassen intonation [ @oQW½`QHo6½Q ] Satzmelodie, Betonung clue [ NOX ] Hinweis, Anhaltspunkt 40 acre [ `HoN½ ] : 4,047 square metres Morgen (Flächenmaß) off-piste abseits der Skipiste scenery [ `VL Q½UL ] Landschaft altitude [ `pOWoWMX G ] We are flying at an altitude of 32,000 feet. Höhe reasonably priced preisgünstig mid-range … The parking lot is filled with mid-range cars. Mittelklasse-…, … mittlerer Preis-/Qualitätsklasse grateful We’re grateful for your help. dankbar 43 to preface [ `SUHIoV ] sth. He has the habit of prefacing every reply with ‘well’. etw. einleiten to bother [ `E': ] sb. Sorry to bother you with this again, but it’s really important. jmdn. stören/belästigen 46 overweight übergewichtig to lose track of time das Zeitgefühl verlieren to speed up Caffeine speeds up the heart rate. beschleunigen, schneller werden splendid [ `VSOHQGoG ] prachtvoll rocky felsig to be suited [ `VX WoG ] for sth. They aren’t suited for this job. geeignet sein für etw. agriculture [ `pJUoN8OW6: ] Landwirtschaft, Ackerbau official language Amtssprache Monegasque [ @P¿Qo`JpVN ] Monegassisch widely in use This car is now widely in use across the country. weit verbreitet resident [ `UH]oG:QW ] I’m a resident of the UK. Bewohner/in, Einwohner/in current derzeitig, aktuell head of state Staatsoberhaupt National Council Nationalrat duty [ `GMX WL ] He will continue to perform his duties as sales manager. Pflicht, Aufgabe defence [ Go`IHQV ] I had nothing to say in his defence. Verteidigung fire brigade [ EUo`JHoG ] Feuerwehr district [ `GoVWUoNW ] Bezirk, Gebiet to attract [ :`WUpNW ] sth. The light attracts mosquitos. etw. anziehen income tax Einkommenssteuer tax haven [ `KHoY:Q ] Steueroase metropolitan area städtischer Ballungsraum Sicily [ `VoVoOL ] Sizilien remains We visited the remains of a 13th-century church. Überbleibsel, Überreste to gain independence Unabhängigkeit erlangen manufacturing [ @PpQMw`IpNW6:Uo1 ] industry verarbeitende Industrie, produzierendes Gewerbe source of income Einkommensquelle 9 founder Gründer/in damaged beschädigt goods Waren, Güter refund [ `UL I8QG ] I returned the broken lamp and was given a refund. Rückerstattung, Rückvergütung suspension bridge Hängebrücke 10 to govern [ `J8Y:Q ] The country is now being governed by the liberal party. herrschen, regieren 12 populated Europe is densely populated. bewohnt, besiedelt, bevölkert emigration Auswanderung 15 to move home umziehen statistic [ VW:`WoVWoN ] Zahl, Größe, Nummer statistics Statistik 16 satisfied [ `VpWoVIDoG ] Are you satisfied with yourself? zufrieden 17 to renovate [ `UHQ:YHoW ] sth. etw. renovieren/erneuern to refurbish [ Uo`Il Eo6 ] sth. etw. renovieren/verschönern satisfaction [ @VpWoV`IpN6:Q ] I get a lot of satisfaction out of my new job. Zufriedenheit sympathy [ `VoPS:4L ] I have little sympathy for him. Mitgefühl surroundings We live in quite comfortable surroundings. Umgebung 18 drawback Nachteil 2 island nation Inselstaat to border sth. Which countries border Austria? an etw. grenzen 4 independent [ @oQGo`SHQG:QW ] India became independent from Britain in 1947. unabhängig mere [ Po: ] It cost a mere 30 pounds. bloß, lediglich entirely [ oQ`WDo:OL ] gänzlich Genoese [ @G-HQ:w`L ] ] Genueser/in site Stelle, Ort to take possession of sth. etw. in Besitz nehmen to rule sth. Elizabeth I ruled England from 1558 to 1603. etw. regieren, über etw. herrschen principality [ @SUoQVo`SpOoWL ] Fürstentum economic [ L N:`Q¿PoN ] wirtschaftlich; Wirtschafts-… Unit 9 Nur zu Prüfzwecken H I – Eigentum des Verlags W öbv
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