English Unlimited HTL 2, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

153 Vocabulary 26 filing cabinet [ `NpEoQ½W ] Aktenschrank, Karteikasten photocopier [ `I½wW½w@N¿SL½ ] Kopierer noticeboard Pinnwand; Schwarzes Brett shredder Reißwolf sticky note Haftnotiz, Post-it paper clip Büroklammer notepad Notizblock stapler [ `VWHoSO: ] Klammergerät hole puncher Locher calculator [ `NpONMwOHoW½ ] Taschenrechner tray [ WUHo ] Just put the letter in my in tray! Ablage(korb) 27 intern [ `oQWl Q ] Praktikant/in to get sth. done Can you get it done by Tuesday? etw. erledigen 28 subway (AE) U-Bahn 30 resort Urlaubsort, Reiseziel 33 operator: a person or company that does a particular type of business Betreiber/in, Unternehmer/in delightful reizend, charmant century [ `VHQW6½UL ] Jahrhundert B & B: (short for) bed and breakfast Frühstückspension handsome schön, imposant municipal [ PMX `QoVoS:O ] Stadt-…, Gemeinde-… to extend sth. Do they plan to extend the tube? etw. ausbauen/vergrößern a wide range of … We offer a wide range of services. ein breites Spektrum an … to be keen to do sth. Everyone was keen to see how it would all come out. darauf erpicht sein, etw. zu tun, etw. unbedingt tun wollen local Einheimische/r to depart [ Go`S$ W ] The train departs from platform 12. abfahren/-fliegen fortress [ `I2 WU:V ] Festung landscaped gärtnerisch gestaltet grounds You can walk around the castle grounds without a guide. Gründe, Gelände, Areal climb Aufstieg narrow [ `QpU½w ] schmal, eng 38 growth Wachstum soccer (AE) Fußball federal [ `IHG½U½O ] The federal government needs to do something about poverty. Bundes-… peaceful friedlich 1 urbanisation [ @l E:QDo`]Ho6:Q ] Verstädterung 2 urban [ `l E½Q ] städtisch; Stadt-… to double Prices have doubled since 2005. sich verdoppeln human geography: the study of how human societies develop in relation to their physical environment Humangeografie polluted [ S:`OX WoG ] verschmutzt sea level The lake’s 395 m above sea level. Meeresspiegel to rise (an)steigen flooding [ `IO8Go1 ] Überflutung/-schwemmung climate [ `NODoP½W ] Klima 3 politics [ `SOoWoNV ] Maybe I’ll go into politics. Politik 4 prediction [ SUo`GoN6:Q ] I can’t make any predictions about next week’s exam. Vorhersage 6 environment [ oQ`YDoU½QP½QW ] Umwelt 11 to mount sth. Do you know how to mount the flat screen to the wall? etw. anbringen/aufhängen canvas [ `NpQY½V ] Leinwand; Leinen, Stoff plywood [ `SODoZéG ] Sperrholz(platte) paint [ SHoQW ] Farbe to beat the queue (coll.) die Warteschlange vermeiden/umgehen scenic [ `VL QoN ] Let’s take the scenic route back. malerisch, landschaftlich schön terrain [ W:`UHoQ ] Gelände to stretch The Rocky Mountains stretch for over 3,000 miles. sich (er)strecken in bloom in Blüte pond Teich steel column [ `N¿O:P ] Stahlträger/-säule spire [ VSDo½ ] Spitze elevator [ `HOoYHoW:U ] (AE) Aufzug, Lift breathtaking [ `EUH4@WHoNo1 ] atemberaubend bottled in Flaschen abgefüllt 14 petrol [ `SHWU½O ] Benzin 24 brochure [ `EU:é6: ] Broschüre 25 to edit [ `HGoW ] sth. Have you edited your speech? etw. be-/überarbeiten to print out sth. Please print out the document. etw. ausdrucken quote [ NZ½wW ] We asked a number of plumbers to give us a quote for the work. hier: Kostenvoranschlag to request sth. etw. anfordern, um etw. bitten spreadsheet Tabellenkalkulation to compile [ N½P`SDoO ] sth. I’m compiling a list of candidates. etw. zusammentragen/ zusammenstellen to sort sth. Please sort the letters by date. etw. sortieren/ordnen to distribute [ Go`VWUoEMX W ] sth. Do you have enough handouts to distribute to your classmates? etw. aus-/verteilen customer database Kundendatenbank to file sth. I’ve filed the forms alphabetically. etw. ablegen/einordnen invoice [ `oQY2oV ] Rechnung, Faktura Unit 5 1 stall Verkaufsstand 3 stallholder Standinhaber/in to bargain [ `E$ JoQ ] I bargained for a better price. feilschen, handeln 4 candlestick Kerzenhalter 6 antique [ pQ`WL N ] Antiquität 9 to be made of sth. This scarf is made of silk. aus etw. bestehen to discover sth. Have you ever discovered the truth about the symbols? etw. entdecken/ herausfinden collector Sammler/in herbs [ Kl E] ] Kräuter clay [ NOHo ] Ton, Lehm Unit 6 Nur zu Prüfzwecken D – Eigentum des Verlags E öbv