English Unlimited HTL 2, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
149 Vocabulary requirement [ Uo`NZDo½P½QW ] You have to meet the require- ments to pass the course. Voraussetzung, Anforderung lifespan What’s the lifespan of a flea? Lebensdauer/-erwartung in advance [ :G`Y$ QV ] im Voraus to solve a problem ein Problem lösen therefore She’s only 15 and therefore can’t vote. deshalb as a last resort [ Uo`]2 W ] als letzte Rettung/ letzten Ausweg to ensure [ oQ`62 ] sth.: to make sure Please ensure (that) the coffee machine’s switched off. etw. sicherstellen, für etw. sorgen attitude [ `pWoWMX G ] What’s your attitude to smoking? Einstellung, Haltung to have confidence in sb. Vertrauen in jmdn. haben 5 ice sculptor Eiskünstler/in NGO: (short for) non-governmental organisation Nichtregierungs- organisation, NGO test audience [ `2 GL:QV ] Testpublikum 7 to be into sth. I’m really into hip-hop. sich für etw. interessieren driving licence [ `ODoV½QV ] Führerschein catering Gastronomie; Catering to cope with sth. I couldn’t cope with the stress. mit etw. fertigwerden, etw. bewältigen to gain work experience Arbeitserfahrung sammeln 9 odd jobs He began working odd jobs to support himself. Gelegenheitsarbeiten 10 poem [ `S:woP ] Gedicht volunteer work ehrenamtliche Tätigkeit 12 politician [ @SOo`Wo6:Q ] Politiker/in CEO [ @VL L `:é ] : (short for) chief executive officer Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO of Facebook. Geschäftsführer/in, Vorstandsvorsitzende/r 13 ambition [ pP`Eo6:Q ] Ziel, Ambition, Ehrgeiz artistic [ $ `WoVWoN ] künstlerisch series [ `Vo:UL ] ] Reihe, Serie even though: although Even though he gets on my nerves sometimes, I like him. obwohl effort [ `HI:W ] You should put more effort into your homework. Bemühung, Anstrengung to quit (sth.) (etw.) aufgeben; kündigen to appear: to seem scheinen, wirken release [ Uo`OL V ] Veröffentlichung to pursue [ S:`VMX ] a career She’s pursuing a career in sports. eine Karriere verfolgen, einen Beruf ausüben several [ `VHY:U:O ] etliche, einige 16 entrepreneur [ QWU:SU:`Ql ] Unternehmer/in impressive [ oP`SUHVoY ] beeindruckend, beachtlich achievement [ :`W6L YP:QW ] Leistung, Errungenschaft 17 to skip school Schule schwänzen deadline [ `GHGODoQ ] Can you meet the deadline? Terminvorgabe, Frist, Stichtag absorbing fesselnd, faszinierend salary [ `VpO:UL ] Gehalt to get by (gerade so) durchkommen overachiever: someone who does more than they are expected to do or who is more successful than expected sehr leistungsorientierter Mensch , „Ehrgeizling” to exceed sb.’s expectations With this grade, I’ll certainly exceed my mum’s expectations! jmds. Erwartungen übertreffen to work out I work out at the gym twice a week. hier: trainieren to avoid sb./sth. Avoid Victoria station at rush hour. jmdn./etw. (ver)meiden to achieve sth. If you believe in yourself, you will achieve your goals. etw. leisten/erreichen to catch sb.’s interest jmds. Interesse wecken enthusiastic [ oQ@4MX ]L`pVWoN ] enthusiastisch, begeistert autonomy [ 2 `W¿Q:PL ] from… Unabhängigkeit von … 18 job agency Arbeitsvermittlungsagentur internship [ `oQWl QV6oS ] I did an internship at the MoMA. Praktikum CV: (short for) curriculum vitae Lebenslauf interview hier: Vorstellungsgespräch temporary [ `WHPS:U:UL ] contract befristeter Vertrag to work full-time/part-time Vollzeit/Teilzeit arbeiten 19 experience in sales Verkaufserfahrung strength Stärke weakness Schwäche 20 certificate [ V:`WoIoN:W ] I’ve got a certificate in biotechnology. Zeugnis, Bescheinigung 26 essay [ `HVHo ] Aufsatz manual [ `PpQMX½O ] Handbuch, Gebrauchsanweisung TV listings Could you check the TV listings to see when the match is on? Fernsehprogramm 28 to get the gist [ G-oVW ] das Wesentliche erfassen to have sb./sth. in mind Who do you have in mind for this job? an jmdn./etw. denken, jmdn./etw. im Sinn haben 29 file Feile socket wrench [ UHQW6 ] Aufsteckschraubenschlüssel screwdriver Schraubenzieher screw Schraube nut (Schrauben-)Mutter bolt Bolzen (a pair of) pliers [ `SODo:] ] Could you please pass me that pair of pliers? (eine) Zange Allen key Sechskant-/Inbusschlüssel folding ruler Zollstock/-stab wire [ ZDo: ] strippers Turn off the power before you get out your wire strippers. Abisolierzange (a pair of) pincers Pincers are a hand tool used for holding or pulling something. (eine) (Kneif-)Zange utility [ MX `WoOoWL ] knife Stanleymesser clamp Schraubzwinge saw Säge 30 jigsaw [ `G-oJV2 ] Stichsäge milling machine Fräse, Fräsmaschine table saw Tischkreissäge cordless schnurlos drill Bohrer 31 to fasten sth. etw. befestigen/festmachen to loosen [ `OX V:Q ] sth. etw. lockern tight fest, eng, gespannt to drill bohren to drive sth. into sth. etw. in etw. hineintreiben forceful kraftvoll Nur E Y zu Prüfzwecken I – Eigentum S des Verlags C W öbv
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