English Unlimited HTL 2, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

147 Vocabulary AE American English BE British English coll. colloquial (umgangssprachlich) etw. etwas jmdm. jemandem jmdn. jemanden jmds. jemandes pl. plural sb. somebody sth. something 2 local hiesig, örtlich classical music klassische Musik steel drum Stahltrommel, Steeldrum to confuse sth. Don’t confuse the old batteries with the new ones. etw. verwechseln no … at all She eats no meat at all. keinerlei …, überhaupt kein/e 3 genre [ `-$ U: ] Gattung, Genre 4 to be similar to sb./sth. This new T-shirt is very similar to one you had before. jmdm./etw. ähnlich sein 6 to play the drums Schlagzeug spielen 9 a natural athlete [ `p4OL W ] ein/e geborene/r Sportler/in however At home, however, he couldn’t find his phone either. jedoch luge [ `OX - ] How did you get into the luge? Rodelsport; Rennrodel to represent [ @UHSUo`]HQW ] sb./sth. He represented Austria at the Eurovision Song Contest. jmdn./etw. vertreten/ repräsentieren 10 medal [ `PHG:O ] Medaille figure skating Eiskunstlauf to weigh [ ZHo ] wiegen to compete in sth. This weekend he competes in the World Championships. an etw. ( einem Wettbewerb ) teilnehmen to luge (sport)rodeln sensitive [ `VHQVoWoY ] My teeth are sensitive to cold. empfindlich to hiccup [ `KoN8S ] Schluckauf haben If you hiccup, you can crash. Schon die geringste Bewegung kann zu einem Unfall führen. frightened [ `IUDoW:QG ] verängstigt business people Geschäftsleute philosopher [ Io`OV:I: ] : a person who studies and writes about the meaning of life Philosoph/in 14 giant [ `G-Do:QW ] riesig, gigantisch disc Scheibe a box of chocolates eine Schachtel Pralinen 16 biathlon [ EDo`p4O:Q ] : a sporting event that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting When I was 10 years old, I began competing in biathlon. Biathlon high jump Hochsprung water polo Wasserball fencing Fechten canoeing [ N:`QX o1 ] Kanufahren archery [ `$ W6½UL ] Bogenschießen scuba-diving [ `VNX E:@GDoYo1 ] Sporttauchen cross-country skiing Skilanglauf 18 to be aware [ :`ZH: ] of sth. Were you aware of the risks when you started hang-gliding? sich etw. bewusst sein to deal with sth. Her new book deals with cyberbullying. etw. behandeln/ zum Thema haben to take place The concert takes place today. stattfinden aim Ziel 19 to cover sth. Please make sure that the report covers all important aspects. etw. abdecken/behandeln 21 survey [ `Vl YHo ] My boss asked me to do a survey of consumer behaviour. Untersuchung, Umfrage habit [ `KpEoW ] Gewohnheit preference [ `SUHI:U:QV ] Vorliebe till: (short for) until bis 22 rowing machine Rudergerät changing room Umkleidekabine private [ `SUDoY:W ] shower eigene Dusche gym [ G-oP ] Fitnesscenter; Turnsaal to prefer [ SUo`Il ] sth. Do you prefer coffee or tea? etw. bevorzugen to not mind sth. I don’t mind (having) pets so long as they’re clean. nichts gegen etw. haben would (much) rather … I’d (much) rather have a coffee. würde/n (viel) lieber … 24 electronics [ o@OHN`WUQoNV ] Elektronik market stall Marktstand questionnaire [ NZHVW6:`QH: ] Fragebogen facilities The theatre has special facilities for people with disabilities. Einrichtungen, Anlagen location Lage (opening) hours Öffnungszeiten feature Merkmal, Kennzeichen 30 I suppose so. Ich glaube/denke schon. 31 among [ :`P81 ] He was among the last people to go home. unter, darunter 34 though [ ':w ] The film was only 90 minutes long, though it seemed longer. aber, obwohl stage hier: Stadium, Phase to fall in love with sb./sth. sich in jmdn./etw. verlieben to get used to sth. I’m getting used to driving on the left. sich an etw. gewöhnen Unit 1 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv