English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
4 64 06 Unit 6: Work and leisure Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening talk about work and school describe present activities say why you can’t do things say you’re not sure about facts and numbers Look again 75 Work and school spend Saying you’re busy Keyword: of Present progressive Julie on the phone What do you do? Explore listening: American high schools 76 07 Unit 7: Getting around Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening compare ways of travelling buy a travel ticket check in and board a flight tell a story talk about a journey write invitations and give directions Look again 89 Using transport Prepositions of movement Buying a ticket Airports Storytelling expressions Talking about a journey Keyword: get Comparatives and superlatives Articles Charlie buying a ticket Belinda at the airport Sam’s journey Explore listening: A trip to Cambodia 90 08 Unit 8: Getting together Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening talk about films find information in a cinema programme make and respond to suggestions make arrangements to meet talk about hopes and plans make decisions write and reply to an invitation write a thank-you note Look again 99 Films Suggestions Planning Keyword: about Present progressive for future arrangements will, be going to, be hoping to, would like to John and Rachel’s phone call Anne and Michael talking about their future plans Weekend in La Mauricie 100 09 Unit 9: Are you OK? Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening talk about health buy things in a pharmacy understand instructions on medicines give advice write an email or note apologising Look again 111 The body and health Giving advice Giving reasons for advice Keyword: take Giving advice with if Marc at the pharmacy Explore listening: Staying healthy 112 10 Unit 10: Experiences Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening talk about experiences say what you’ve never done and always wanted to do talk about places you’ve been to find out information about things start and finish conversations Look again 121 Sights Getting information Keyword: at Present perfect verbs Present perfect I’ve always wanted to … Advice about day trip destinations Explore listening: World travellers Contents Page 122 Activities 129 Grammar reference and practice 141 Irregular verbs 142 Numbers, dates and sounds Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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