English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

2 7 Intro: About you Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening introduce yourself ask for and give personal information fill in a form talk about your school career / a typical school day say what you can do Countries and languages Introducing yourself Letters, numbers, addresses Personal information Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives can for ability Clara enrolling on a course 12 01 Unit 1: People in your life Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening introduce people, say who they are ask questions to check information talk about present and past schools / school experiences describe people’s personality describe relationships write short profiles about people Look again 21 People you know Talking about schools Personality Relationships Keyword: like Possessive ’ s be present: am , is , are be past: was , were Michael’s friend Roberto 22 02 Unit 2: Away from home Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening make and respond to offers and requests say what your interests are say what you want to do write a letter or email requesting something Look again 31 Offers and requests Interests and wants Taking care of a guest Keyword: in a , an or some Present simple: positive sentences What do you miss? Gwen asking for things Melek’s guest Explore listening: Sightseeing in London 32 03 Unit 3: Your time, your space! Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening talk about your free time, likes and dislikes talk about habits and customs make and respond to invitations talk about cities, neighbourhoods and homes find information in adverts for rooms take a phone message, ask people to repeat Look again 43 Free time activities Adverbs of frequency Invitations Describing places / homes Prepositions of place Adverts for rooms Keyword: on Subject / Object pronouns Present simple: negative sentences, questions There is / There are Invitations Alicja looking for a room Explore listening: Lisa’s free time 44 04 Unit 4: Changes Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening talk about past events talk about first times talk about trips talk about important events in your life write a personal letter / email giving news Look again 53 Past time expressions Things for a trip Good and bad experiences Keyword: have Singular and plural nouns Past simple verbs Past simple Mary’s language holiday in Salzburg From Nigeria to Scotland 54 05 Unit 5: What would you like? Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening buy things in shops talk about shopping and food talk about preferences and give reasons order a meal write short practical requests and reminders Look again 63 Shops and shopping Buying things Food Preferences Ordering food Keyword: this, that, … Countable and uncountable nouns Jason in the shopping centre Explore listening: Ordering a takeaway on the phone Contents Page Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv