English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
159 Key Look again Key Look again Look again Unit 1, p. 21 35a 2: Where, 3: What (‘Which’ and ‘How many’ are also possible), 4: How, 5: What’s 36 brother (P), subject (S), sister (P), sports lesson (S), wife (P), timetable (S), husband (P), gym (S), father (P), son (P), marks (S), mother (P), daughter (P) 37 She’s, she’s, We’re, we’re not, were, were, weren’t, was, was, I’m, she’s, we’re Unit 2, p. 31 37 1: a, 2: An, 3: some, 4: an, 5: some 38a 1: e, 2: f, 3: b, 4: g, 5: a, 6: c, 7: d 39 2: Would you like something to eat? 3: Could I / Can I have / borrow your dictionary? 4: Would you like a map? 40 1: study, 2: travelling, 3: interested in, 4: I’d like to, 5: share, 6: stay, 7: having, 8: works, 9: show Unit 3, p. 43 47a 2: A: Do you enjoy school? B: Well, usually I do, but I don’t like it at the moment. Or: Well, usually I don’t, but I (do) like it at the moment. 3: A: What time does the supermarket close? B: Sorry, I don’t remember. At six, I think. 4: A: Do you go to the gym at the weekend? B: On Saturdays, yes, but it doesn’t open on Sundays. 5: A: Where do you go out to eat? B: We don’t often go out. My dad loves cooking. 6: A: Do you go out on Wednesday nights? B: No, never. I don’t like going out during the week. 48 1: A: Is there, B: is; 2: A: are there, B: is; 3: A: are, B: aren’t 49 1: often, 2: always, 3: always, 4: often, 5: usually, 6: always Unit 4, p. 53 33 regular: like, listen, love, use, want, work irregular: buy – bought, cost – cost, go – went, have – had, make – made, meet – met 34 2: she have; 3: Did, 4: did she, 5: How did, 6: What 35 1: a, 2: c, 3: b, 4: a, 5: a Unit 5, p. 63 37 1: music store, 2: cash machine, 3: toilets, 4: clothes shop, 5: sports shop, 6: newsagent 38a yoghurt (add to dairy products), lamb (add to meat), prawns (add to seafood), onions (add to vegetables) 39a 2: an, 3: a, 4: strawberries, 5: a lot of, 6: much, 7: some, 8: pasta Unit 6, p. 75 38a 1: work on, 2: work, 3: study, 4: look after, 5: write / have meetings with, 6: go, 7: write / read, 8: write / read 39a 1: work, 2: go, 3: am studying, 4: put, 5: am putting, 6: am preparing 40 2: have, 3: are trying, 4: go, 5: is doing, 6: trains, 7: are taking, 8: walk Unit 7, p. 89 53 1: passport, passport control; 2: Check-in; 3: security; 4: boarding gate 54b Possible comparisons: A plane is faster than a car. / The bus is slower than the underground. / A car is more com- fortable than a bus. / A plane is more expensive than a car. 55a 2: the fastest, 3: the most dangerous, 4: the slowest, 5: the busiest, 6: the most crowded 56a 1: –, the; 2: –; 3: an, the; 4: – Unit 8, p. 99 33 1: are you hoping, 2: my parents will, 3: Would you like, 4: they’re going / they are going, 5: tablets will 34 1: going, 2: could, 3: good, 4: don’t, 5: too, 6: about, 7: Let’s, 8: with Unit 9, p. 111 44 1: b, d; 2: a, c; 3: b, c; 4: a, c 45a Possible answers: I’ve got toothache / a cold / a sore throat / a high temperature / stomach ache / a problem with my knee. I feel tired / sick. b Possible answers: You should go to a doctor / take a day off school / drink / try hot lemon juice with honey / eat / try black toast and honey / drink coffee. You shouldn’t go to school / drink coffee. Unit 10, p. 121 36a 1: castle, 2: city walls, 3: fountain, 4: museum, 5: palace, 6: ruins, 7: sculpture, 8: statue, 9: tomb, 10: waterfall 37 1: met, 2: heard, 3: bought, 4: played, 5: read, 6: done, 7: been, 8: drunk 38 1: A: Have you ever seen, B: I’ve / I have never been; 2: A: Have we seen, B: We’ve / We have watched; 3: A: Have they ever visited, B: they’ve / they have travelled; 4: A: Cal has never failed, B: He hasn’t taken Contents student’s CD (SCD) Total running time: 47 min Track Unit Exercise Title Time 01 02 35 Explore listening: Sightseeing in London 09:54 02 03 42 Explore listening: Lisa’s free time 03:29 03 05 35 Explore listening: Ordering a takeaway on the phone 05:37 04 06 31 Explore listening: American high schools 08:56 05 07 52 Explore listening: A trip to Cambodia 07:05 06 09 43 Explore listening: Staying healthy 04:59 07 10 35 Explore listening: World travellers 07:47 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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