English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

157 Vocabulary tasty The food is quite tasty. schmackhaft teabag Teebeutel technician [ WHN`Qo6½Q ] Laura’s an IT technician. Techniker/in technology [ WHN`QO:G-L ] Technologie; Technik to tell erzählen, sagen temperature [ `WHPSU:W6: ] I’ve got a temperature. Temperatur; Fieber tennis racket Tennisschläger term [ Wl P ] Term starts next week. Semester, Trimester terrible schrecklich, furchtbar text (message) SMS, Kurz- mitteilung to text sb. He texts her all day. jmdm. SMS schicken textile [ `WHNVWDoO ] textil; Textil-… Thailand Thailand thermometer [ 4½`PPoW½ ] Thermometer thirsty [ `4l VWL ] I felt thirsty after my run. durstig throat [ 4U½wW ] She has a sore throat. Hals, Kehle, Rachen to throw werfen thumb [ 48P ] Daumen to tick sth. etw. ankreu- zen/abhaken ticket Ticket, Fahr-/ Eintrittskarte ticket window Fahrkarten- schalter tie [ WDo ] Krawatte to tie Your hair needs tying back. binden tile [ WDoO ] Fliese, Kachel time I had a lovely time. Zeit; Mal times Five times two equals ten. multipliziert mit, mal timetable [ `WDoP@WHoE½O ] Stundenplan tip Tipp; Trinkgeld tired [ WDo½G ] müde tissue [ `Wo6X ] Need a tissue? Papier- taschentuch title [ `WDoW½O ] Titel; Anrede to the power of Three to the power of four is eighty-one. potenziert mit, hoch together gemeinsam tomb [ WX P ] Grabmal tooth ( pl. teeth ) Zahn toothache [ `WX 4HoN ] I’ve got terrible toothache. Zahnweh topic Thema to touch berühren tour guide Reiseführer/in tourist destination Urlaubsziel towel [ WDw½O ] Handtuch town hall Rathaus traditional [ WU½`Go6½Q½O ] traditionell traffic jam Verkehrsstau traffic light Ampel to train as sth. Steve trains as an electrician. eine Ausbil- dung machen zu etw. trainee [ @WUHo`QL ] Praktikant/in trainers [ `WUHoQ½] ] Sportschuhe training It was great training for what I do now. Ausbildung, Training to travel I’m travelling on my own. reisen travel agency [ `HoG-½QVL ] Reisebüro triangle [ `WUDop1J½O ] Dreieck triangular [ WUDo`p1JM½O½ ] dreieckig trip Ausflug; Reise to try versuchen, probieren to try on Could I try this shirt on? anprobieren Turkey [ `Wl NL ] Türkei Turkish Türkisch; türkisch to turn Turn left at the traffic lights. drehen, sich wenden; umdrehen to turn into sth. She turned into a beauty. zu etw. werden to turn sth. on/off etw. ein-/aus- schalten to turn sth. down She turned down a job in Chicago. etw. herunter- drehen; etw. ablehnen twice [ WZDoV ] zweimal twins Zwillinge type [ WDoS ] Typ; Art typical [ `WoSoN½O ] typisch (tyre) pressure gauge [ JHoG- ] (Reifen-)Druck- messer, Manometer ugly [ `8JOL ] hässlich UK: ( short for ) United Kingdom das Vereinigte Königreich uncertainty [ 8Q`Vl W½QWL ] Unsicherheit uncomfortable [ 8Q`N8PIW½E½O ] unbequem; unwohl uncountable [ 8Q`NDwQW½E½O ] nicht zählbar underground I went by underground. U-Bahn to underline [ @8QG½`ODoQ ] unterstreichen to understand verstehen unemployed [ @8QoP`SO2oG ] arbeitslos unicycle [ `MX Qo@VDoN½O ] Einrad unique [ MX `QL N ] einzigartig U supper Abendessen to support [ V½`S2 W ] sb./sth. jmdn./etw. unterstützen to suppose [ V½`S½w] ] vermuten surface [ `Vl IoV ] Oberfläche surname [ `Vl QHoP ] Nachname surprised [ V½`SUDo]G ] I’m surprised to see you here. überrascht to swap [ VZS ] He would like to swap books with others. tauschen sweatpants Trainingshose Sweden [ `VZL G½Q ] Schweden Switzerland Schweiz syllable [ `VoO½E½O ] Silbe symptom [ `VoPW½P ] Symptom table Tisch; Tabelle table linen [ `OoQoQ ] : table- cloths and napkins Tischwäsche tablet [ `WpEO½W ] Tablette; Tablet(-PC) to take How long does it take to get there? nehmen; in Anspruch nehmen to take a message eine Nachricht annehmen to take a photo ein Foto machen to take an exam eine Prüfung ablegen to take care of sb./sth. sich um jmdn./ etw. kümmern Take care! Mach’s gut!, Pass gut auf dich auf! to take off abheben, starten to take part in sth. Muhammad Ali took part in the Olympics opening ceremony. an etw. teil- nehmen to take turns sich abwechseln to take up sth. I took up playing the guitar 15 years ago. etw. anfangen takeaway (meal) Essen zum Mitnehmen tall He is tall and thin. hoch, groß tan He’s got a tan. Sonnenbräune tape measure Maßband task [ W$ VN ] Aufgabe taste [ WHoVW ] Geschmack to taste Chocolate tastes nice. schmecken T Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv