English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
156 Vocabulary sculpture [ `VN8OSW6½ ] Skulptur sea I’d like to live by the sea. Meer seafood Meeresfrüchte security [ Vo`NMw:U:WL ] Sicherheit to see sb. off jmdn. verab- schieden self-assessment [ @VHOI:`VHVP:QW ] Selbst- beurteilung self-employed [ @VHOIoP`SO2oG ] selbstständig self-study material Material zum Selbststudium to sell verkaufen sense We have the same sense of humour. Empfinden, Sinn serious [ `Vo½UL½V ] ernst, ernst- haft to be set in The story is set in a school. spielen in to shake The two leaders smiled and shook hands. schütteln shape Form, Kontur to share sth. My sister and I share a bedroom. etw. teilen shelf ( pl. shelves ) Regal shifted verschoben shirt Hemd shockproof stoß-/bruch- sicher shop assistant Verkäufer/in shopping centre Einkaufs- zentrum shower I had a shower and got dressed. Dusche shy schüchtern SI unit: SI stands for Système International SI-Einheit sick krank side effect Every drug has side effects. Nebenwirkung side salad Salatbeilage sight Are you interested in seeing some sights? Sehenswürdig- keit sightseeing [ `VDoW VL o1 ] We went sightseeing. Besichti- gungen, Sight- seeing similar [ `VoPoO½ ] We have similar interests. ähnlich since seit; da, weil site Stelle, Ort; Website to be situated The school is situated near our home. gelegen, liegen skill You need good communication skills to be a teacher. Fähigkeit, Fertigkeit skin Now supermarkets sell carrots with purple skins. Haut; Schale skyscraper Wolkenkratzer sleepover ( AE ) Besuch mit Übernachtung Slovak [ `VO½wYpN ] Slowakisch Slovakia [ VO½`YpNL½ ] Slowakei to slow down langsamer werden/ sprechen snake Schlange snorkelling Schnorcheln sofa [ `V½wI½ ] Sofa, Couch solid [ `VOoG ] fest; (Fest-)- Körper some time I’ll text you some time. einige Zeit; irgendwann sometimes manchmal soon bald sore [ sO: ] I have a sore throat. weh, wund sound The door closed without a sound. Geräusch, Laut, Klang to sound That sounds good! klingen South Africa Südafrika space Did someone steal your parking space? Platz, Raum; Weltraum Spain [ VSHoQ ] Spanien Spanish [ `VSpQo6 ] Spanisch; Spanier/in spare [ VSH½ ] Always carry a spare battery for your camera. Gäste-…; Reserve-… spare room Gästezimmer spare time Freizeit to speak sprechen special [ `VSH6½O ] besonders speech I’m not good at giving speeches. Rede speed Geschwindig- keit to spell sth. Can you spell your surname? etw. buch- stabieren to spend He spent three months working on the project. verbringen; ausgeben sphere [ VIo½ ] Kugel spherical [ `VIHUoN½O ] kugelförmig spicy [ `VSDoVL ] würzig; scharf spider Spinne spiral [ `VSDo½U½O ] I went up the spiral staircase. Spirale; spiralförmig spring onion Frühlings- zwiebel square [ VNZH: ] quadratisch; Quadrat; Platz square bracket eckige Klammer square root Quadratwurzel squared quadriert stairs Treppe, Stiege statement Aussage statue [ `VWpW6X ] We want to see the Statue of Liberty. Statue to stay We stayed in a hotel. bleiben; wohnen steady [ `VWHGL ] gleichmäßig steam Dampf to stick Sometimes you’re stuck at the computer all day. stecken (bleiben), kleben stomach [ `VW8P½N ] Magen stopwatch Stopuhr strange [ VWUHoQG- ] sonderbar; fremd stranger Fremde/r strawberry [ `VWU2 E½UL ] Erdbeere street map Straßenkarte strength [ VWUH14 ] Stärke, Kraft strict [ VWUoNW ] streng stripe Streifen student card Schüler-/ Studenten- ausweis to study [ `VW8GL ] He studies hard. lernen, studieren stunt Stunt, Trick subject Gegenstand, (Schul-)Fach to submit Did you submit your article to the magazine? einreichen to subtract [ V½E`WUpNW ] sth. from sth. etw. von etw. abziehen subtraction [ V½E`WUpN6½Q ] Subtraktion successful erfolgreich Sudan [ VX `G$ Q ] Sudan Sudanese [ @VX G½Q`L ] ] sudanesisch to suffer from sth. The boy suffered from headaches every day. an etw. leiden suggestion [ V½`G-HVW6½Q ] Philip made a few suggestions. Vorschlag suitable Please come on Monday, if this is a suitable day. geeignet sum Summe sunglasses I’d like to buy a pair of sunglasses. Sonnenbrille suntan lotion Sonnencreme superlative [ VX `Sl O½WoY ] Superlativ Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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