English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
155 Vocabulary rabbit Kaninchen to raise to the power potenzieren to range Prices range between 70 and 120 euros. sich bewegen, schwanken rat Ratte rate [ UHoW ] There are special rates for school groups. Rate, Tarif rather [ `U$ '½ ] lieber, eher ratio [ `UHo6L½w ] The ratio of male to female students is 20:1. Verhältnis to reach sth. etw. erreichen to realise [ `Uo½ODo] ] sth. I immediately realised he was wrong. etw. begrei- fen/ realisieren reality [ UL`pO½WL ] Wirklichkeit reason [ `UL V½Q ] Grund to receive [ Uo`VL Y ] sth. etw. erhalten recently [ `UL V½QWOL ] vor Kurzem receptionist [ Uo`VHS6½QoVW ] Rezeptionist/in to recommend [
UHN½`PHQG ] sth. (to sb.) Can you recommend a place to stay? (jmdm.) etw. empfehlen recorded dokumentiert recording [ Uo`N2 Go1 ] Students can view a digital recording later. Ton-/Film- aufnahme rectangle [ `UHNWp1J½O ] Rechteck rectangular [ UHN`Wp1JM½O½ ] rechteckig reef Riff to refer [ Uo`Il ] to sth. He refers to a magazine article. sich auf etw. beziehen reference [ `UHI½U½QV ] Verweis to be related to sb./sth. mit jmdm./ etw. verwandt sein relationship [ Uo`OHo6½Q6oS ] Beziehung relative [ `UHO½WoY ] Verwandte/r to relax (sich) ent- spannen remedy [ `UHP½GL ] (Heil-)Mittel to remember sth. sich an etw. erinnern, sich etw. merken to remind [ Uo`PDoQG ] sb. of sth. jmdn. an etw. erinnern reminder Was that a gentle reminder? Mahnung, Erinnerung to remove [ Uo`PX Y ] sth. etw. entfernen rent Miete to rent sth. We are renting a car and taking a trip to Maine. etw. mieten to repeat [ Uo`SL W ] sth. etw. wieder- holen to replace sth. with sth. We want to replace the carpet with tiles. etw. durch etw. ersetzen reply [ Uo`SODo ] Antwort to reply to sth. auf etw. antworten request [ Uo`NZHVW ] Anfrage research [ Uo`Vl W6 ] Forschung to research nach-/ erforschen to respect sb./sth. I respect your decision. jmdn./etw. respektieren/ anerkennen to respond [ Uo`VSQG ] to sth. auf etw. antworten/ reagieren response Antwort, Reaktion review [ Uo`YMX ] He is writing a review of a Mexican restaurant. Besprechung, Kritik to revise [ Uo`YDo] ] I have to revise for my exam. wiederholen, üben ride Thanks for the ride. Fahrt to ride He rides a motorbike. fahren; reiten right angle rechter Winkel river Fluss roommate Zimmer- genosse/ -genossin root [ UX W ] Wurzel rough [ U8I ] rau, grob to row [ U½w ] rudern rucksack [ }rUksék ] Rucksack rug Teppich(läufer) ruins [ `UX oQ] ] Ruine/n rule [ ru:l ] This is the exception that proves the rule. Regel Russia [ `U86½ ] Russland Russian Russisch; russisch sachet [ `Vp6Ho ] (kleiner) Beu- tel, Säckchen safe sicher sale I bought this hat in a sale. (Aus-)Verkauf salesperson Verkäufer/in salmon [ `VpP½Q ] Lachs satnav [ `VpWQpY ] : (short for) satellite navigation Navi(gations- system) scale Maßstab; Skala scale drawing maßstab- getreue Zeichnung scales Bathroom scales are used to measure body weight. Waage scary schaurig schedule [ `6HGMX O ] Zeitplan scooter He rides around on a scooter. (Motor-)Roller Scotland Schottland Scottish schottisch the Scouts die Pfadfinder screen Bildschirm scuba diving [ `VNX E: @GDoYo1 ] Sporttauchen S R quantity [ `NZQW½WL ] Menge queue [ NMX ] Warteschlange quick schnell quiet [ NZDo½W ] ruhig quite [ NZDoW ] ziemlich to quote sth. etw. zitieren/ anführen Q profile [ `SU½wIDoO ] Profil; Kurzportrait programme [ `SU½wJUpP ] Programm to programme sth. etw. program- mieren progress [ `SU½wJUHV ] Fortschritt to promise [ `SU¿PoV ] sth. etw. versprechen pronoun [ `SU½wQDwQ ] Fürwort, Pronomen pronunciation [ SU½@Q8QVL`Ho6½Q ] Aussprache proper ordentlich, richtig to protect sth. The immune system protects your body. etw. beschützen public holiday Christmas Day is a public holiday in the UK. Feiertag public transport öffentliche(s) Verkehrsmittel to pull ziehen pupil [ `SMX S½O ] Schüler/in purple [ `Sl S½O ] lila to push schieben to put setzen, legen, stellen to put on weight (Gewicht) zunehmen pyramid [ `SoU½PoG ] Pyramide pyramidal [ So`UpPoG½O ] pyramidal, pyramiden- förmig Nur rr l zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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