English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

153 Vocabulary main hauptsächlich; Haupt-… major I have seen all of his major plays. bedeutend; Haupt-… to make machen, herstellen male männlich Malian [ `P$ OL½Q ] : from Mali, a country in West Africa malisch Malta [ `P2 OW½ ] Malta map Landkarte marble Murmel to mark [ P$ N ] sth. etw. markieren market [ `P$ NoW ] Markt market researcher Markt- forscher/in marks Schulnoten mass Masse to match Who cares if the curtains match the couch? zusammen- passen; zuordnen meal Mahlzeit, Essen to mean What do you mean? bedeuten; meinen meaning A word may have several meanings. Bedeutung to measure [ `PH-½ ] messen measurement [ `PH-½P½QW ] Messung; Maß meat Fleisch medicine [ `PHGV½Q ] Medizin; Medikament/e Mediterranean [ @PHGoW½U`HoQL½Q ] Mittelmeer to meet Nice to meet you. (sich) treffen; (sich) kennen lernen meeting point Treffpunkt memory I have a good memory for names. Gedächtnis; (Daten-)- Speicher to mention I want to mention some friends who helped me. erwähnen menu [ `PHQMX ] Speisekarte message Can I take a message? Nachricht metal [ `PHW½O ] (aus) Metall metric metrisch metro line Metro-/ U-Bahnlinie mild [ PDoOG ] mild mile Meile ( 1,6 km ) milometer [ PDo`OPoW½ ] Meilen-/Kilo- meterzähler mirror Spiegel Miss [ PoV ] : title for a girl or unmarried woman Fräulein to miss sb. jmdn. vermissen to miss sth. I missed the train by three minutes. etw. verpassen mistake [ Po`VWHoN ] Fehler, Irrtum mobile [ `P½wEDoO ] beweglich, mobil mobile (phone) Mobiltelefon, Handy monolingual [ @PQ½`Oo1JZ½O ] einsprachig mood Stimmung Morocco [ P½`U¿N½w ] Marokko mother tongue Mutter- sprache motorway Autobahn mountain He is climbing a mountain. Berg to move They moved into a new house last year. übersiedeln; sich bewegen movie ( AE ) Film Mr: title for a married or unmarried man Herr Mrs [ `PoVo] ] : title for a married woman Frau Ms [ Po] ] : title for married and unmarried women Frau mug [ P8J ] Becher, Häferl multiplication [ @P8OWoSOo`NHo-½Q ] Multiplikation to multiply [ `P8OWoSODo ] sth. by sth. etw. mit etw. multiplizieren mum Mama muscle [ `P8V½O ] Muskel museum [ PMX `]L ½P ] Museum mushroom [ `P86UXP ] Pilz mustard [ `P8VW½G ] Senf M N to narrow sich verengen nation [ `QHo6½Q ] Staat, Nation nationality [ @Qp6½Q`pO½WL ] Nationalität naturally [ `QpW6½U½OL ] von Natur aus necessary [ `QHV½V½UL ] notwendig neck Hals neighbour [ `QHoE½ ] Nachbar/in neighbourhood Nachbarschaft nephew [ `QHIMX ] Neffe nerdy [ `Ql GL ] Not everyone shares my nerdy love of science. doof; streberhaft, langweilig new secondary [ `VHN½QG½UL ] school Neue Mittel- schule New Year’s Eve Silvester New Zealand Neuseeland news I’m just watching the news. Nachrichten; Neuigkeiten newsagent Zeitschriften- geschäft niece [ QL V ] Nichte Nigeria [ QDo`G-o½UL½ ] Nigeria noise Lärm noisy laut Norway Norwegen to notice [ `Q½wWoV ] sth. etw. bemerken noun Hauptwort, Nomen novel [ `QY½O ] Roman novelist Romanautor/in number Nummer; (An-)Zahl to number sth. etw. nummerieren numerator [ `QMX P½UHoW½ ]: the number above the line in fractions Zähler numerous [ `QMX P½U½V ] zahlreich nurse [ Ql V ] Kranken- pfleger/in nursery school Kindergarten to like sb./sth. jmdn./etw. gern mögen likes Vorlieben link Verbindung to link sth. etw. verbinden liquid [ `OoNZoG ] Flüssigkeit; flüssig live [ ODoY ] There’s a bar here that does live music. live to live [ OoY ] She lives with her father. leben local [ `O½wN½O ] örtlich, regional locker Spind to log in/out sich ein-/ ausloggen to look forward to sth. She’s really looking forward to going out. sich auf etw. freuen to lose [ OX ] ] verlieren to be low in sth. Their diet is low in fat. wenig von etw. enthalten low-carb wenig Kohlehydrate enthaltend lower secondary school Hauptschule to be lucky Glück haben luggage [ `O8JoG- ] Gepäck lunch break Mittagspause Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öb