English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

152 Vocabulary to ignore [ oJ`Q2 ] sb./sth. jmdn./etw. ignorieren I-IT: ( short for ) industrial information technology Betriebs- informatik to imagine [ o`PpG-oQ ] sth. Imagine a life without friends. sich etw. vorstellen immediately [ o`PL GL½WOL ] sofort immigrant [ `oPoJU½QW ] Einwanderer/ Einwanderin Imperial unit Einheit des angloameri- kanischen Maßsystems important [ oP`S2 W½QW ] wichtig to improve [ oP`SUX Y ] sth. etw. verbessern in common He and I have something in common. gemeinsam in front of I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face. vor in time rechtzeitig inch ( pl. inches ) Zoll ( 2,54 cm ) included enthalten, inbegriffen independent [ @oQGo`SHQG½QW ] I want to be independent of my parents. unabhängig India Indien Indian Inder/in; indisch individual [ …oQGo`YoG-X½O ] einzeln/e Indonesia [ @oQG:w`QL -: ] Indonesien information [ @oQI½`PHo6½Q ] He can give us some information about Spain. Information, Auskunft informative [ oQ`I2 P½WoY ] informativ ingredient [ oQ`JUL GL½QW ] Zutat to inhale [ oQ`KHoO ] einatmen, inhalieren justification [ @G-8VWoIo`NHo6½Q ] Begründung to justify [ `G-8VWoIDo ] sth. etw. begründen inn: a pub or small hotel where you can stay for the night, usually in the countryside Gasthaus instead There’s no sugar – would you like some honey instead? stattdessen instead of sb./sth. You can go instead of Simon, if you want. (an)statt einer Person/Sache instruction [ oQ`VWU8N6½Q ] Anweisung instructor How do you become a driving instructor? Lehrer/in, Trainer/in to be interested in sth. Melek is interested in music. an etw. inte- ressiert sein interesting [ `oQWU:VWo1 ] interessant internship ( AE ) (Berufs-)- Praktikum interview Interview; Vorstellungs- gespräch to interview sb. jmdn. befragen intolerance [ oQ`WO½U½QV ] Unverträglich- keit to introduce [ @oQWU½`GMX V ] sb. to sb. I always introduce myself to the person I’m sitting next to. jmdn. jmdm. vorstellen introduction [ @oQWU½`G8N6½Q ] First read the intro- duction to the article. Bekannt- machung; Einleitung, Vorwort to invent sth. Have you ever invented an excuse? etw. erfinden, sich etw. aus- denken invention [ oQ`YHQ6½Q ] Erfindung inventor Erfinder/in invitation [ @oQYo`WHo6:Q ] Einladung to invite [ oQ`YDoW ] sb. to sth. They’ve invited us to the wedding. jmdn. zu etw. einladen Ireland [ `Do½O½QG ] Irland island [ `DoO½QG ] Insel IT: ( short for ) information technology He’s an IT technician. IT Italian [ o`WpOL½Q ] Italiener/in; italienisch Italy [ `oW½OL ] Italien labyrinth [ `OpE½UoQ4 ] Irrgarten lake See lamb [ OpP ] Lamm lamp [ OpPS ] Lampe language [ `Op1JZoG- ] Sprache language lab(oratory): a room in which students can use equipment to help them practise listening to and speaking a foreign language Sprachlabor lap Runde, Etappe laser range finder Laser- Entfernungs- messer lawyer [ `O2o½ ] Rechtsanwalt/ Rechtsanwältin to lay the table den Tisch decken to lead führen leaflet Broschüre, Flugblatt to leave [ OL Y ] He leaves a message on her answerphone. (ver)lassen, weggehen; hinterlassen Lebanon [ `OHE½Q½Q ] Libanon leisure [ `OH-½ ] (time) Freizeit length Länge letter Brief lettuce [ `OHWoV ] Salat level Hang photos at eye level. Niveau, Höhe library [ `ODoEU½UL ] Bibliothek life ( pl. lives ) Leben lifestyle Lebensweise like She’s sixteen, like me. wie, ähnlich L hospital [ `KVSoW½O ] He had to go to hospital. Krankenhaus host [ K½wVW ] family Gastfamilie to house-sit auf ein Haus aufpassen hug [ K8J ] Give me a hug! Umarmung to hug (sich) um- armen huge [ KMX G- ] riesig Hungarian [ K81`JH½UL½Q ] Ungarisch Hungary [ `K81J½UL ] Ungarn hungry [ `K81JUL ] hungrig to hurt My eyes really hurt. schmerzen, wehtun husband [ `K8]E½QG ] Ehemann I to keep (be)halten, aufheben key Schlüssel keyboard Tastatur keyword Stichwort kind [ NDoQG ] What kind of food do you like? Art, Typ kitchen Küche to know kennen, wissen knowledge [ `QOoG- ] Wissen K jacket Jacke Japan [ G-½`SpQ ] Japan Japanese [ @G-pS½Q`L ] ] Japaner/in; japanisch journalism [ `G-l Q½Oo]½P ] Journalismus journey Reise J Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum enth des Verlags öbv