English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
150 Vocabulary diamond-shaped diamant-/ rautenförmig dictionary [ `GoN6:Q:UL ] Wörterbuch diet [ `GDo:W ] They’re good for you if you’re on a diet. Ernährungs- weise; Diät dietary requirement Diätvorschrift difference [ `GoI½U½QV ] Unterschied different from She’s very different from her sister. verschieden von, anders als difficult [ `GoIoN½OW ] schwierig digit [ `GoG-oW ] : any number from 0 to 9 einstellige Zahl digital camera Digitalkamera dimension [ GDo`PHQ6½Q ] Abmessung, Dimension directions [ Go`UHN6½Q] ] We stopped to ask for directions. Anleitung, Wegbe- schreibung disadvantage [ @GoV½G`Y$ QWoG- ] Nachteil disagreement We had a disagreement. Uneinigkeit, Streit to discuss [ dç}skUs ] sth. über etw. reden, etw. diskutieren discussion [ Go`VN86½Q ] They’re having a discussion about football. Diskussion dish Speise; Schale dishes He likes washing the dishes. Geschirr dislike [ Go`VODoN ] I hope no policeman ever takes a dislike to you. Abneigung to dislike sb./sth. jmdn./etw. nicht mögen distance [ `GoVW½QV ] Abstand, Distanz diversity [ GDo`Yl V½WL ] Vielfalt to divide [ Go`YDoG ] sth. by sth. etw. durch etw. teilen/dividie- ren division [ Go`Yo-½Q ] Division dizzy schwindlig documentary [ GNM½`PHQW½UL ] (film) Dokumentar- film dolphin [ `GOIoQ ] Delphin dose [ G½wV ] What is the recommended dose? Dosis to draw zeichnen; ziehen drawer Schublade drawing Zeichnung drawing compass Zirkel dress Kleid, Kleidung dress code Bekleidungs- vorschrift to drill bohren escalator [ `HVN½OHoW½ ] Rolltreppe especially [ o`VSH6½OL ] I especially miss my dog. besonders, vor allem Europe [ `Mw:U:S ] Europa even sogar event [ o`YHQW ] They often watch sports events together. Ereignis; Veranstaltung ever jemals exam [ oJ`]pP ] : ( short for ) examination Prüfung except außer to exchange [ oNV`W6HoQG- ] We exchanged smiles. austauschen exciting France beat Brazil in an exciting football match. aufregend exercise [ `HNV½VDo] ] It’s good exercise. Übung, Training to exercise I know I should exercise more. trainieren, Sport treiben exhibition [ @HNVo`Eo6½Q ] Ausstellung to exist [ oJ`]oVW ] existieren expensive [ oN`VSHQVoY ] teuer experience [ oN`VSo:UL:QV ] She has a lot of experience with animals. Erfahrung to explain [ oN`VSOHoQ ] Let me explain this to you. erklären expression [ oN`VSUH6½Q ] Ausdruck extract [ `HNVWUpNW ] Auszug to extract [ oN`VWUpNW ] the root die Wurzel ziehen each jede/r/s each other They don’t see each other a lot. einander economics [
L N½`QPoNV ] Volkswirt- schaftslehre edge Kante education [ @HG-w`NHo6½Q ] Erziehung; (Aus-)Bildung effort [ `HI½W ] They’ve made a great effort to attract new clients. Mühe, An- strengung Egypt [ `L G-oSW ] Ägypten either [ `Do'½ ] … or … entweder … oder … electrical engineering Elektrotechnik electronics Elektronik ellipsis [ o`OoSVoV ] Auslassung emperor Kaiser energy [ `HQ½G-L ] I have a lot of energy. Energie engineer [ @HQG-o`Qo: ] Ingenieur/in engineering She wants to study engineering. Technik, Ingenieur- wissenschaft to enjoy She’s enjoying a day off. genießen to enrol [ oQ`U:wO ] I’ve enrolled on a creative writing course. sich einschreiben enrolment Einschreibung to enter sth. He can enter the competition again. etw. betre- ten; an etw. teilnehmen to entertain [ @HQW½`WHoQ ] unterhalten entire [ oQ`WDo½ ] ganz entrance Let’s meet at the main entrance. Eingang entry Bridget is making entries in her diary. Eintrag; Eingang environment [ oQ`YDoU½QP:QW ] Umwelt; Umgebung equal [ `L NZ½O ] gleich to equal One plus one equals two. gleich sein; gleichsetzen equals sign Gleichheits- zeichen equation [ o`NZHo-½Q ] Gleichung equilateral [
L NZo`OpW½U½O ] gleichseitig F face Gesicht; Seite(nfläche) fact Tatsache Fahrenheit [ `IpU½QKDoW ] : a temperature measure- ment in which water freezes at 32° and boils at 212° Fahrenheit to fail sth. I failed my driving test twice. etw. nicht bestehen false [ I2 OV ] falsch famous [ `IHoP½V ] The city is famous for its leaning tower. berühmt farm [ I$ P ] Bauernhof fashion designer Mode- schöpfer/in favourite [ `IHoY:UoW ] She’s my favourite writer. bevorzugt; Lieblings-… to feel sick I‘m feeling a bit sick. sich schlecht fühlen ( es ist einem übel ) to feel well sich gut/ gesund fühlen E to drive She’s learning to drive. fahren driving test Fahrprüfung drop Tropfen drug Medikament, Droge Nur zu Prüfzwecke – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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