English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM

149 Vocabulary college of business administration Handels- akademie collocation [ @NO½`NHo6½Q ] : two or more words that go together Kollokation colourful farbenprächtig column [ `NO½P ] Säule; Text- spalte to combine [ N½P`EDoQ ] kombinieren to come kommen to come with sth. Does the meat come with anything? etw. dabei haben/ inkludieren comfort [ `N8PI½W ] Komfort; Behaglichkeit comfortable [ `N8PIW½E½O ] bequem, angenehm comment [ `NPHQW ] Kommentar to comment on sth. They comment on her clothes. sich zu etw. äußern, etw. kommentieren common gewöhnlich, üblich communications company Telekommuni- kationsfirma comparative [ N½P`SpU½WoY ] Komparativ to compare [ N½P`SH½ ] He compares internet advertising with ads on TV. vergleichen comparison [ N½P`SpUoV½Q ] I felt ugly by comparison. Vergleich to compete [ N½P`SL W ] against sb. It’s difficult for small supermarkets to compete against the bigger ones. sich mit jmdm. messen; jmdm. Konkur- renz machen competition [ @NPS½`Wo6½Q ] (Wett-)Bewerb to complain [ N½P`SOHoQ ] People have complained about the noise. sich be- schweren complete [ N½P`SOL W ] vollständig to complete sth. etw. vervoll- ständigen comprehensive umfassend concert [ `NQV½W ] Konzert cone [ N½éQ ] Kegel to confirm [ N:Q`Il P ] Please confirm that that’s OK with you. bestätigen confirmation [ @NQI½`PHo6½Q ] Bestätigung conical [ `NQoN½O ] kegelförmig to consist of sth. A typical Thai dinner consists of 4 – 5 dishes. aus etw. bestehen consonant [ `NQV½Q½QW ] Mitlaut, Konsonant contact [ `NQWpNW ] We keep in close contact with our grandparents. Kontakt to contact sb. jmdn. kontaktieren dairy [ `GH½UL ] products Milchprodukte dangerous [ `GHoQG-:U:V ] gefährlich date Datum; Verabredung to date sb. How long have you been dating Nicky? mit jmdm. (aus)gehen day return (ticket) Tagesrück- fahrkarte to decide [ Go`VDoG ] She’s decided to take the job. entscheiden decision [ Go`Vo-½Q ] It can be difficult to make decisions. Entscheidung deep tief degree Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. Grad delayed [ dç}leçd ] The flight was delayed. verspätet delicious [ Go`Oo6:V ] köstlich to deliver sth. etw. liefern denominator [ Go`QPoQHoW½ ] : the number below the line in fractions Nenner dentist Zahnarzt department Abteilung department store Kaufhaus departure [ Go`S$ W6½ ] Abfahrt, Abflug to depend on sth. The city largely depends on the car industry. von etw. abhängig sein depth [ GHS4 ] Tiefe to describe [ Go`VNUDoE ] sth. etw. beschreiben description [ Go`VNUoS6½Q ] Beschreibung design [ Go`]DoQ ] Gestaltung, Entwurf to design sth. etw. gestalten/ entwerfen detergent [ Go`Wl G-½QW ] Waschmittel to develop [ Go`YHO½S ] (sich) entwickeln diagonal [ GDo`pJ½Q½O ] Diagonale; diagonal diameter [ GDo`pPoW½ ] Durchmesser diamond [ `GDo½P½QG ] Diamant, Raute to contain [ N½Q`WHoQ ] sth. The box contains sweets. etw. enthalten container Behälter to continue [ N½Q`WoQMX ] fortsetzen; andauern conversation Unterhaltung conversion Umwandlung, Umrechnung to convert [ N½Q`Yl W ] umwandeln, umrechnen cooker Küchenherd cool kühl corner Ecke to correspond with sth. Your story doesn’t correspond with what he told me. mit etw. über- einstimmen, etw. entspre- chen to cost (Geld) kosten cottage [ `NWoG- ] Häuschen, Landhaus countable [ `NDwQW½E½O ] zählbar country [ `N8QWUL ] Land; Gegend countryside I spent my childhood in the countryside. Landschaft; ländliche Gegend court Hof to cover [ `N8Y: ] sth. etw. bedecken/ zudecken creative [ NUL`HoWoY ] kreativ, ein- fallsreich cricket Grille; Kricket cricketer: sb. who plays cricket, especially as their job Kricket- spieler/in crisps (Kartoffel-) Chips Croatia [ NU:w`Ho6½ ] Kroatien cross-country skiing Langlaufen crowd [ NUDwG ] A large crowd was waiting for her. Menschen- menge; die breite Masse crowded I hate crowded beaches. gedrängt, voll, überfüllt Cuba [ `NMX E½ ] Kuba cube [ NMX E ] Würfel(form) cube root The cube root of 8 is 2. Kubikwurzel cubed 4 cubed is 64. hoch drei cubic würfelförmig; Kubik-… cucumber [ `NMX N8PE½ ] Gurke cup Tasse; Pokal current [ `N8U½QW ] jetzig, aktuell curtain [ `Nl W½Q ] Vorhang curved gebogen, gekrümmt custom [ `N8VW½P ] Brauch customer Kunde/Kundin customs He was stopped going through customs. Zoll cutlery [ `N8WO:UL ] Essbesteck to cycle [ `VDoN½O ] Rad fahren cycling path (getrennter) Radweg cylinder [ `VoOoQG½ ] Zylinder cylindrical [ V½`OoQGUoN½O ] zylindrisch D Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv