English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
148 Vocabulary bat Fledermaus beach Strand beaker [ `EL N½ ] Becher(glas) bear cub Bärenjunges bedclothes [ `EHGNO½w'] ] Bettzeug beef [ EL I ] Rindfleisch Belgium [ `EHOG-½P ] Belgien to believe [ Eo`OL Y ] She says she’s only thirty, but I don’t believe it. glauben; vermuten to belong to sb./sth. The car belongs to me. (zu) jmdm./ etw. gehören beloved [ Eo`O8YoG ] geliebt belt Gürtel beverage [ `EHY½UoG- ] Getränk bilingual [ EDo`Oo1JZ½O ] zweisprachig billion We’re talking about billions of dollars. Milliarde to board He boarded the train. besteigen, einsteigen board game Brettspiel boarding pass Bordkarte boarding school Internats- schule boat trip Let’s take a boat trip. Bootsfahrt boiled gekocht to book sth. He booked tickets online. etw. buchen/ reservieren boot [ EX W ] I need a pair of boots. Stiefel Bosnian [ `E]QL½Q ] bosnisch both I like them both. beide bottom Unterseite; Gesäß bottom of a foot Fußsohle to bow [ EDw ] The actors bowed after the performance. sich verbeugen box Schachtel, Kiste; Kästchen box office Kartenkasse boyfriend Freund bracket Use the words in brackets. (runde) Klammer Brazil [ EU½`]oO ] Brasilien Brazilian [ EU½`]oOL½Q ] Brasilianer/in; brasilianisch break I need a break. Pause, Urlaub to break sth. etw. brechen; etw. kaputt- machen bridge Brücke bright [ EUDoW ] grell, hell to bump into sb. I bumped into someone, so I said, “I’m sorry!” mit jmdm. zusammen- stoßen bunk bed Stockbett bus stop Bushaltestelle character [ `NpU½NW½ ] Charakter, Figur chart [ W6$ W ] Tabelle chat [ W6pW ] Have you got time for a chat? Unterhaltung, Schwatz to chat with sb. mit jmdm. plaudern/ chatten to cheat [ W6L W ] schummeln, betrügen to check sth. I went to check that my friends were OK. etw. (über)- prüfen/ kontrollieren to check in We have to check in two hours before departure. einchecken to cheer We all cheered as the winners arrived. jubeln, Beifall spenden chef [ 6HI ] Küchenchef/in chequered kariert child ( pl. children ) Kind childbirth Geburt, Entbindung chilly kalt, frostig China [ `W6DoQ½ ] China Chinese [ W6Do`QL ] ] Chinesisch; chinesisch chips ( BE ) Pommes frites choice [ W62oV ] You have to make a choice. (Aus-)Wahl choir [ NZDo½ ] Chor to choose [ W6X ] ] Choose a book from more than 500 available. aussuchen, auswählen church steeple Kirchturm cinema Kino circle [ `Vl N½O ] Kreis circular [ `Vl NM½O½ ] kreisförmig city centre Innenstadt city walls Stadtmauern clam chowder Muschelsuppe classmate Mitschüler/in clean [ NOL Q ] sauber, rein to clean putzen, sauber machen client [ `NODo½QW ] : someone who pays for services or advice Klient/in, Kunde/Kundin climate [ `NODoP½W ] Klima close [ NO½wV ] We’re very close. nahe; eng befreundet clothes [ NO½w'] ] Kleider, Kleidung coach [ N:wW6 ] Trainer/in; Reisebus co-ed school: ( short for ) co-educational school gemischtge- schlechtliche Schule cold I’ve got a cold. Erkältung; kalt to calculate [ `NpONMwOHoW ] I’m trying to calculate how much money we need. (be)rechnen calibrated jug: measuring jug Messbecher to call sb. by his/her first name jmdn. beim Vornamen nennen/duzen Cambodia [ @NpP`E½wGL½ ] Kambodscha camping They go camping a lot. Zelten, Kampieren campsite Campingplatz Canada [ `NpQ½G½ ] Kanada to cancel [ `NpQV½O ] sth. etw. absagen/ stornieren capital Hauptstadt capital letter Großbuch- stabe carbohydrates [ @N$ E½w`KDoGUHoWV ] Potatoes are high in carbohydrates. Kohlehydrate careful vorsichtig to carry tragen; dabei haben cash Bargeld cash machine Bankomat cassette [ N½`VHW ] Tonband- kassette cast The cast of the film includes Ryan Gosling. Besetzung castle [ `N$ V½O ] Burg, Schloss to catch Catch the number 42 bus. nehmen; kriegen; fangen to cater for sb. auf jmds. Bedürfnisse eingehen cave [ NHoY ] Höhle to celebrate [ `VHO½EUHoW ] How would you like to celebrate your birthday? feiern Celsius [ `VHOVL½V ] : a tem- perature measurement in which water freezes at 0° and boils at 100° Celsius cemetery [ `VHP½WUL ] Friedhof central heating Zentralheizung central point (Kreis-)Mittel- punkt C business [ `Eo]QoV ] Wirtschafts-…, Geschäfts-…; Geschäft business studies Betriebswirt- schaftslehre busy [ `Eo]L ] She’s always busy. beschäftigt; fleißig to buy kaufen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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