English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
147 Vocabulary a couple There are a couple of shops near here. ein paar, einige abortion Abtreibung abroad [ W}brO:d ] Are you going abroad this summer? im/ins Ausland academic secondary school Allgemein- bildende höhere Schule ( Gymnasium ) accident [ `pNVoG½QW ] Unfall accommodation Unterkunft, Quartier account [ ½`NDwQW ] Konto accountant Buchhalter/in accounting Buchhaltung ache [ eçk ] Schmerz actor Schauspieler actress Schauspielerin actual eigentlich, tatsächlich to add hinzufügen, addieren to add up to sth. etw. ergeben addition [ ½`Go6½Q ] Addition address [ ½`GUHV ] Adresse to admire [ ½G`PDo½ ] sb./sth. I admire his talent. jmdn./etw. bewundern admission Eintritt(spreis) adoption [ ½`GS6½Q ] Adoption adult [ `pG8OW ] Erwachsene/r advantage [ ½G`Y$ QWoG- ] Vorteil adventurous [ ½G`YHQW6½U½V ] She is an adventurous artist. abenteuerlich; abenteuer- lustig advert [ `pGYl W ] : (short for) advertisement Werbung, Inserat advice [ ½G`YDoV ] Is this good advice? Rat(schlag) to be able to afford sth. sich etw. leisten können to be afraid I’m afraid I have to go. (be)fürchten age He’s tall for his age. Alter ago He went away years ago. vor to agree I agree with you. zustimmen, einig sein air-conditioner Klimaanlage airport Flughafen all year round das ganze Jahr über allergic [ ½`Ol G-oN ] Are you allergic to anything? allergisch altimeter [ `pOWoPL W½ ] Höhenmesser amazing [ ½`PHo]o1 ] unglaublich, toll American Amerikaner/in; amerikanisch analogue [ `pQ½OJ ] A video camera can use analogue or digital technology. analog ancient [ `HoQ6½QW ] alt, antik angle Winkel animal Tier animated film They’ve made an animated film of the book. Zeichentrick- film ankle Knöchel apartment Wohnung to apologise [ ½`SO½G-Do] ] He apologised to her for losing the book. sich entschuldigen apparently [ ½`SpU½QWOL ] Apparently it’s going to rain today. anscheinend appearance [ ½`So½U½QV ] Aussehen appliance [ ½`SODo½QV ] Gerät appointment I’ve made an appoint- ment with the dentist. Verabredung; Termin approximately [ ½`SUNVoP½WOL ] ungefähr, annähernd architecture [ `$ NoWHNW6½ ] Architektur area Until recently, the area around the house was a building site. Bereich; Fläche to arrange sth. Why don’t we arrange a surprise party? etw. organi- sieren/planen arrangement [ ½`UHoQG-P½QW ] Vereinbarung, Plan; Anord- nung arrested verhaftet to arrive [ ½`UDoY ] We arrived at the station around 4 o’clock. ankommen art gallery Kunstgallerie to ask fragen; bitten assignment [ ½`VDoQP½QW ] Kids do homework assignments together. Aufgabe at least zumindest ATM: ( short for ) auto- mated teller machine I got some money out of the ATM. Bankomat to attend sth. Alex is attending a school for the blind. etw. besuchen; an etw. teil- nehmen attraction [ ½`WUpN6½Q ] Attraktion; Anziehung Australia Australien available [ ½`YHoO½E½O ] verfügbar average [ `pY½UoG- ] Calculate its average speed. Durchschnitt; durchschnittlich to avoid [ ½`Y2oG ] sb./sth. I tried to avoid him. jmdn./etw. (ver)meiden back When did you get back? zurück back He was lying on his back. Rücken back light Rücklicht background Hintergrund bad-tempered schlecht gelaunt baggage [ `EpJoG- ] collection Gepäck- ausgabe bargain [ `E$ JoQ ] gutes Geschäft, Schnäppchen barometer [ E½`UPoW½ ] Barometer barrel Fass base Grundfläche A B AE American English BE British English coll. colloquial (umgangssprachlich) etw. etwas jmdm. jemandem jmdn. jemanden jmds. jemandes pl. plural sb. somebody sth. something Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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