English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
138 Grammar reference and practice Verwenden Sie will , um Vermutungen über die Zukunft oder Vorhersagen auszudrücken. Maybe I ’ll do something in IT. Peter will arrive in Dublin at 3.30 this afternoon. The exams will be at the end of May. 2020 will be a leap year. Sie können be going to verwenden, um über Absichten und Pläne für die Zukunft zu sprechen. Anne ’s going to travel across Europe for four weeks. I ’m going to start a new course soon. I paid for the first month yesterday. Sie können be hoping to verwenden, um über Hoffnungen für die Zukunft zu sprechen. I ’m hoping to get good marks on my final exams. Mit would like to können Sie über Wünsche für die Zukunft sprechen. I ’d like to take a gap year. Future: will, be going to, be hoping to, would like to BEDEUTUNG FORM will + Infinitiv I ’ll be rich one day. I won’t make a lot of money. Will you spend the rest of your life in Austria? Yes, I will . No, I won’t . Where do you think you’ll be in twenty years? be going to, be hoping to + Infinitiv I’m going to start university after school. I’m hoping to move abroad one day. I’m not going to start university after school. Are you going to start university after school? Yes, I am . No, I’m not . Is he hoping to start his new job next week? Yes, he is . No, he isn’t . What are you going to do next weekend? would like to + Infinitiv I ’d like to start university after school. I wouldn’t like to work abroad. Would you like to go to university one day? Yes, I would . No, I wouldn’t . What would you like to do with your life? 1 Lisa’s going to boarding school in England. I guess she feel homesick. 2 No need to take raincoats. I’m sure the weather be fine. 3 My parents are on holiday for two weeks, so they be here tomorrow. 4 She become a famous film star one day. 5 Do you think they really move to Australia? 6 Let’s start preparing for the exam. We pass it otherwise. PRACTICE 1 Complete the sentences with will or won’t . 4 I think he a taxi to the airport tomorrow. 5 I a film with some friends tonight. 6 Professor Hunt a lecture on Matisse this afternoon. 7 We a meeting on Thursday afternoon, so don’t forget to come. 8 I to the hairdresser’s this Saturday. 9 They the 10.30 coach to Seattle. 10 I a party on Friday. Can you come? 2a Put the words in order to make questions. 2b Ask and answer the questions. 1 after / are / class / going / Where / you ? 2 are / getting up / tomorrow / What time / you ? 3 Are / friends / seeing / tonight / you ? 4 are / birthday / How / next / spending / you / your ? 5 are / at / doing / the weekend / What / you ? 6 Are / having / a holiday / in / six months / the next / you ? 7 you / next week / doing / are / What ? 8 soon / you / for food / Are / going / shopping ? Where are you going after class? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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