English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch mit Audio-CD und CD-ROM
135 Grammar reference and practice BEDEUTUNG und FORM Unit 5 Countable and uncountable nouns Unit 6 Present progressive Zählbare Nomen gibt es im Singular und Plural. Verwenden Sie a oder an für zählbare Nomen im Singular. Nicht zählbare Nomen haben keine Pluralform. Verwenden Sie weder a noch an in Verbindung mit nicht zählbaren Nomen. Verwenden Sie das Present progressive (die Verlaufsform der Gegenwart), um über gegenwärtige Aktivitäten zu sprechen: Dinge, die jetzt gerade geschehen oder unmittelbar bevorstehen. I can’t talk now. I ’m planning my presentation for tomorrow. (jetzt) They ’re working quite hard these days. (zurzeit) Das Present progressive wird manchmal auch Present continuous genannt. a book three potatoes some potatoe some chicken a chicken some books some pasta (some pastas / a pasta) Zählbar Nicht zählbar How many lettuces would you like? I’d like a lettuce / one lettuce. I’d like six carrots / some carrots. I don’t eat a lot of carrots. How much lettuce would you like? _ Have some lettuce in your sandwich. I’d like a lot of lettuce. 1 I eat orange every day. 2 Would you like pasta? 3 Can I have apple? 4 I had toast for breakfast this morning. 5 I’d like biscuits. 6 How meat do you eat? 7 How eggs would you like? PRACTICE 1 Complete the sentences with a , an , some , much or many . 2 Circle the correct word. 1 How much / many cheese do you usually buy every week? 2 How much / many onions would you like? 3 How much / many coffees did you drink yesterday? 4 How much / many fruit do you usually eat every day? 5 How much / many onions did you buy? 6 How much / many chocolate do you eat? BEDEUTUNG FORM be + Verb + -ing I ’m go ing to a party now. She ’s / He ’s plann ing a holiday abroad. You ’re / We ’re / They ’re work ing quite hard these days. I ’m not feel ing well. She / He isn’t work ing at the moment. He ’s not work ing … You / We / They aren’t writ ing a report. You ’re not writ ing … Am I work ing late tonight? Where are we / they / you go ing ? Are you study ing English? Is he work ing hard? Are they design ing a website? Kurzformen: Sie können are not und is not wie folgt zusammenziehen: He ’s not work ing at the moment. They ’re not hav ing a sale this week. No, he ’s not . / No, they ’re not . 1 “I’m a student.” “Really? What / you / study?” 2 “I / go / out now. Bye.” “Bye. Have a nice time.” 3 “Kevin, what / you / do ?” “I / talk / to someone on the phone.” 4 “Is this a good time, Mary?” “Sorry, no. I / make / dinner.” 5 “Can I use the computer?” “Sorry, but I / use / it at the moment.” 6 “He / not / work / at the moment. He / do / a course in marketing.” What are you studying? PRACTICE Complete the sentences with present progressive verbs. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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